Sunday, August 27, 2017

Rescue the Perishing...

"God uses rescued people to rescue people."

  "The Church used to be a lifeboat rescuing the perishing. Now she is a cruise recruiting the promising."
(We hope this is not true!)

   "People on earth hate to hear the word REPENT! Those in Hell wish they could hear it just once more."

  My mind has been going to several messages I heard Wayne preach recently. He likens the platform where the Preacher stands to a boat out on sea. Some people start walking around the edge of the boat and some fall over the edge and drown.  Do we do everything in our power to rescue them or do we just look away and only care about ourselves, making sure we are safe.  He reminded the people of how MANY members have been lost to the world.  The numbers in our churches  have drastically reduced.  Do we care?  Are we doing anything to bring them back? God help us to know how to help them!!

   We are trying to do some special things with our children before they return to school.  Many of your schools have already begun but ours is later this year because of Jake and Jan being on furlough.  One day we went to Kajulu where we planned to drop off a sewing machine for Silpa who recently purchased one.  She met us at the church but then we offered to take it to her house which wasn't too far away.  We helped her carry it back the trail to her house. And ended up staying to visit.  Her very young looking daughter (maybe 14 or 15)? has a baby boy named Martin Bender! From there we went to Pastor Andrew and Christine's house to drop off some papers and then they invited us to stay for chai.  It was SO warm in the house but we appreciated their kindness even though it wasn't comfortable for us.  From there we went to a place that sells plants and big clay pots and bought some for the flower beds.  We SO much appreciate the nice landscaping that Aaron Peachey did while they lived in our house.  We want to keep it looking nice!  The girls ended up doing most of the work and did a great job!

  Some of Wayne's activities have included visiting some of the Lela members.  Caroline is still very sick!  Maurice is building her a new house now and we hope that some of her terrible fears about the house falling in on her, etc. will now be alleviated.  Wayne bought some iron for her to take since she is extremely weak and anemic.  On Saturday Wayne attended our gateman George's grandmothers funeral.  My girls and I spent time cleaning Kaylita's room at school since we didn't plan to be here the next week when the official school cleaning was scheduled.  

  On Monday morning the Pastors had a joint unit meeting in Kericho.  The children and I had plans to drive a separate vehicle to Kericho later in the day where we would meet Wayne and then go on to Nakuru to spend several days with Tony and Judith.  As it turned out Stan offered to drive so that I didn't have to.  I appreciated that very much!  The Pastor's day turned out a bit different than they expected!  Everyone was a bit on edge when it was discovered that Brian and Mary Jane's visa's ran out that very day!! They had been renewed late and it was mistakenly assumed that they were good for a few weeks yet.  A few weeks ago Brian's work permit was denied and we were not sure what was going to happen because they had already had their visa's renewed once.  (One renewal is all that is allowed)  A better description of who we are and what our mission here is was submitted to the office of a top government official by Freeman and Johnny with hopes that it would help the government understand us better and make it easier to get our work permits.  After discussion and fervent prayers that God would "part the sea" once again, Johnny made a few phone calls to see what our options are. There was a real possibility that Brians would need to leave East Africa that night yet!  Johnny was finally able to talk to an official that told him to come to his office in Nairobi in the morning and he will take care of it.  After discussion the pastors decided to trust this man and continue to commit the issue to God.  Steve quickly left Kisumu and brought all of Brian's passports to Johnny in Kericho. The next day Johnny and Freeman went to Nairobi.  Praise the Lord, He performed a miracle and Brians were issued new visas!!  God is good!  It's such a blessing to know that He cares!  Continue to pray about the work permit. It appears that the denial was overturned and it is back in immigrations hands!  

   Our drive to Nakuru was enjoyable and we arrived at Tony's in time for a WONDERFUL meal!!  Judith served us rice and Paneer butter masala!  It tasted exactly like something we'd get at an Asian restaurant!  Oh it was yummy!!  After supper we enjoyed watching the youth play volleyball in the big CAM warehouse.  The next day was so relaxing!  We went to Salai farms... a BEAUTIFUL garden with many tropical plants and nice walkways.  It reminded me of the Garden of Eden!  Kore was with us that day as well as Janelle Stoltzfus.  It was a great time with some good discussions... That evening we were treated to more of Tony and Judith's good cooking... we had pulled pork, homemade french fries, and some of the most wonderful handcranked frozen yogurt that we've ever had!!  We loved those few refreshing days spent with family!

  On Wednesday we headed home and Kore beat us here.  He was at Rabuor when we drove past... taking orphan pictures, etc.  He was here in Kisumu until Saturday and we enjoyed having him here as usual.  Next week he heads to America!  How we would love to join him as he attends his sister Janet and Arnold Eby's wedding next weekend!!  

  Friday morning Wayne took me to Tusky's to see if I can find some of the things I had on my list and always depended heavily on Nakumatt to have on hand.  It appears that Nakumatt might have to close it's doors because of financial difficulty.  It makes us SO sad!!  It's been hard for me to imagine life without that place but I'm sure we'll survive!  We won't starve but we will have to do without some things that we enjoyed.  Another thing that has really taken me for a loop is the plastic bag ban that is going into effect this week.  Can you imagine life without any plastic bags, except for garbage?  In fact, it will be a crime to be seen walking with a plastic bag!  You can be fined million of shillings or spend time in jail... 4 years mind you!!!  I appreciate that they are trying to get rid of trash along the roadways but oh it blows my mind how this is all going to work.  I hope I can remember to always take a basket or something with me when I go to town for groceries!  

  We attended church at Kajulu this morning. I think the road to Kajulu is worse than it's ever been!!  Sigh!  I wonder if I will ever get used to being bounced and jarred around so viciously! It was another very warm day and I was so thankful for the open sides at church that allowed some breeze to come in.  After church we were invited to Pastor Andrew's house for lunch along with the rest of the CBF Pastors, Joshua and Millicent, John and Margaret, also a few members, Thomas and Joseph.  The meal was great... the usual Kenyan fare.  

   I forgot to mention that we took our children to Impala Park for a few hours yesterday afternoon.  The monkeys entertained us as usual and I enjoy seeing Impala up close. We enjoyed watching the hippos in the lake although they were a bit too close for comfort.  Especially when I found out that hippos can run 19 mph. on land or in water! But someone told us that when there is a group of people hippos will not attack. It's more likely when there is only one person.  Hippo's cause more fatalities than any other large animal in Africa.

  We continue waiting with a bit of trepidation for the Supreme Court ruling this week.  Things are fairly peaceful with a few skirmishes here and there.  Last week someone had the audacity to put up a Uhuru victory banner on a billboard.  That drew a crowd quickly!  The guy who had climbed the pole to place the sign had his ladder taken away.  The people grabbed the sign and burned it.  The police saved the man's life.  I'm quite sure he would've been lynched if the police hadn't intervened.  So we put our trust in God and hope for peace in Kenya!!  God bless you with a good week!  Clara

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Prov. 29:18

Okello (Wayne) repainting Jake's house

Project "remove mountains" at Brians..

Delivering the sewing machine to Silpa's

Clara and Silpa

Jacob and Pastor Joe at Needs Committee Meeting at Peter's

Peter Ochieng

New house at Maurice and Carolines!

Visit at Mary Ondiek's

Slow for sure!!!

What do you think James??

Frozen Yogurt!!

Western Churches Youth Seminar at Ugunja

Ugunja Youth

Chukaimbo Youth

Bible quiz with Brian!

Guess who??

On the way home.

Boys campout.  Look at the perfect eggs they made!

Uh oh.. Main water line break!

Tuk tuk porcupine!
Aftermath of elections...  (Thanks for the pics, Stacy)


Lunch at Andrews today

Kajulu Pastors Team. L to R, Joshua and Millicent Ochieng, John and Margaret Opiyo, Andrew and Christine Orwa
Solai Farms

Monday, August 14, 2017

God is With Us...

 "With the power of God within us, we need never fear the powers around us."

  "We are safe, not because of the absence of danger, but because of the presence of God."

  "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." Ps. 91:11

   It's so amazing to me how calm a person can feel when there are fires, and bullets, and angry mobs all around.  And we can even lay down in peace and sleep!!  Who but God can do that for us!!  And I'm 100% convinced that your prayers have made a huge difference!!  Thanks so much to the many of you who sent us a note assuring us of your prayers!  It meant SO much!  

  There was no Pastor's meeting this morning.  Our lives feel like there is no schedule and nothing normal anymore.  The Pastor's felt like it was safe to leave the compound for a bit this morning to go for some needed supplies.  Unfortunately they weren't able to get everything because so many businesses are still closed.  Kisumu kind of feels like a ghost town.... so very unreal!!  As many of you know the place is normally SWARMING with people!!  The destruction is not as bad as we feared it might be.  There are rocks, and debris on the streets and some little shacks (duka's) destroyed but there doesn't seem to be lots of major things wrecked.  I'm SO ready for things to be back to normal!  It really bothers me to think that many of the poor folks aren't able to buy things at reasonable prices, or even get to market!! A lot of food prices spiked because of limited supply.  It will be wonderful to see and hear the normal sights and sounds of Kisumu once again!!  When will it all end?  We wish we knew... but Raila ( the one who lost the election) is asking everyone not to work today and says that he will give a speech tomorrow announcing who the real winner is.  That causes some fear among us because if he still has major supporters out there, especially in the slums, then this is not over yet!!  Please pray that Raila will be willing to admit defeat and not cause war and fighting!   
  Since we have been "stuck" here in the compound for a whole week we decided to spend our time doing "memory making" things. On Tuesday we ladies gathered at Becky's house to make donuts, glazed ones and filled ones.  Some even willingly shared their raspberry pie filling from America!!  Bless them!!  It was a great way to spend time together!  I feel SO blessed to be part of a wonderful group of missionaries who get along so well!!  This week together has definitely drawn us even closer and we have made memories that will never be forgotten!  On Tues. afternoon JoeAllen and James, who are in charge of MZL books, set up a display for all of us to see and buy if we wanted to.  We were all treated to fresh donuts and hot drinks! That evening there were some lively games of spikeball on the lane.

  On Wednesday the Pastor's got together to clean out the attic above our carport that has been stacked full with extra mattresses and furniture over the years.  It has never been cleaned out before that I know of and so it was very high time to get rid of things we don't need and just organize.  From the sounds of things there was plenty of laughter to keep them all in a good frame of mind.  We ladies were together to sew and cut out dresses, etc.  My girls and I were busy over lunch time making fryjacks ( A Belizean specialty) for the whole compound.  In the afternoon some of the young girls and I worked on preparing baby bundles for our native friends.  That's always a fun job!!  Especially when many of our supplies came from our dear church family at home!  

  Wayne was sick on Thursday. It seems he must have amoeba again.  We are thankful that we had some meds on hand for him!  We had another unit supper together on Thursday eve. when we met at Joe and Glenda's house for prayer meeting.  Such wonderful food!!  I don't know what we'd do if we wouldn't have our compound family around to support us right now and keep us sane! 

  Friday night as the youth were playing volleyball on the lane the announcement of the winner of the election finally took place.  It wasn't long til we heard awful hollering and chaos. It seemed strange after an almost eerily silent week, to hear such noise and commotion.  Then the gunshots and tear gas started.  That was the worst!  Also some of the youth who went up on a house roof saw lots of fires in town.  But our gate man soon ordered them to come off the roof because of the danger of stray bullets.  

  Saturday morning there were also MANY gunshots and some sounded very close!  I was freaked out to be outside.  But thankfully in the afternoon things calmed down and it has been basically quiet ever since!!  We had a WONDERFUL church service on Sunday here in our dala!  Clarissa wrote a welcome message on a chalkboard for all to see as they arrived.  It said, "Welcome to CBF Milimani! :)  I suppose this may have been a once in a lifetime experience for us to have a Sunday morning service here in the compound.  Our neighbor Philip and his family joined us too and they seemed to really enjoy it.  The weather was as perfect as we could've wanted it!  Such a beautiful spot under the big shade tree to worship our God!!  James Barkman led the singing, Lorne and Grace Kuepfer taught the men and ladies Sunday school classes.  Kaylita and Stacy taught the children's classes.  The youth sang several beautiful songs for us.  They even wrote words for a song to the tune of "The Battle belongs to the Lord."  It was great!!  They sang it with the Kenyan accent so if it doesn't sound right in your English you know why. :)  Here are the words...
              The Battle belongs to the Lord
Raila has lost, now Uhuru's just there 
The Battle belongs to the Lord. 
The Luo's are raging, they think it's not fair
The Battle belongs to the Lord.

The power is gone, wifi now is onge (gone or none)
The battle belongs to the Lord.'
The natives are calling the Pastor's each day
the battle belongs to the Lord.

When the gunshots and tear gas resound, do not fear
The battle belongs to the Lord.
Don't worry, mzungu (white man), fires disappear,
the battle belongs to the Lord
And we sing glory, honor, power and strength to the Lord. 
We sing glory, honor, power and strength to the Lord.

They closed with this memory verse which says, "No weapon forged against you will prevail."  Isa. 54:17. Be blessed. Amen. :)

  Wayne shared a message about "Made of One".  All of us, even though we are from different cultures, have a common ancestor.  That makes us family. We Americans many times come across to the world as arrogant.  May we walk in godly humility remembering that we are "family."  In the evening we were together again for a grilled chicken meal.  We got some roosters with our new laying hens only to discover as they grew, that they were "eating" roosters, not "crowing" roosters! The food was just great!  It seems no one wants to go home first for fear of missing something.  So many stories, (Gerold is great at telling stories!!) laughter, and serious discussions too!  

  So we continue to wait and see what will unfold in the next few days.  Hopefully things will be peaceful and calm and business will go on as usual.  We are very ready to see our native brothers and sisters and hear their stories.  I think they feel safe where they are in their own dala's.  It's the ones who go out on the streets that run into trouble.  Thanks again for your love and prayers!!  Clara 

Here are pictures from the last two weeks.  Most of the "election violence" pictures were taken by others.

 Many loaded vehicles were seen in the last month.  People were moving to their homeland during the time of election.
Vanessa holding baby Wayne
Wayne holding his namesake

Clothing sale at Ahero

Pastor Tobias and wife Elizabeth

Millka signing the birth certificate of baby Wayne

We served juice and biscuits (cookies) which they love!

Cleaning out the attic!

Donut Day!

Tiffany and Jairius

MZL open house... and donuts!!

Sewing Day at Becky's!

Uh-oh!  The ants got her food!

Becca and Tiffany

The best homemade ice cream ever!!

Wayne took this from our house roof

Bathtime for Dixie!

Our church on Sunday!

Pastor Joe moderating
Pastor James leading the singing

Kaylita singing with her class

Stacy with her class

The young folks!

Grilling those roosters!

Wayne has been working on a drainage problem in our lawn

Dixie likes soft beds...:(