Monday, March 27, 2017

A Time for Everything.....

 "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." Ec.3:1

"Time passes, memories fade, feelings change, people leave, but hearts never forget."

      Life continues to bring changes for us in Kisumu.  People come and people go.  There is a time for everything…. and we do well to be flexible and accept change.  Lester and Hannah, Janessa, Haddasah, and Latisha plan to leave Kisumu on Wednesday.  Joe and Glenda plan to take them to the airport and then spend some extra vacation time in Nairobi.  We will miss Lesters a LOT! Our children will miss their friends at school!  But we’re so thankful that God brought them here for a time and we wish them God’s best as they continue serving Him in America!  And we’re very happy that God brought Brian, Mary Jane and family here as well!  They’ve been a blessing already!  One good thing about change is that we learn to know a lot of people this way… and our circle of friendship keeps growing.

  Monday was family day and it was nice to have a break from the norm… no school, no Pastor’s meeting.  We had a relaxing day here at home.  The girls went swimming with some other girls for a while. Wayne and Brad went swimming as well, at another pool, and then in the evening Joe’s and us went to KFC for some delightful American food! :)

  On Tuesday Joe took Glenda and I to Caroline’s house to visit while he went to Hesbon’s house for a while.  Caroline is Maurice’s wife from Lela.  They have no children. They have been very supportive in the work of the Church and a pleasure to have around.  We were SHOCKED when we saw Caroline!  We knew she was sick because she wasn’t at church for 6 weeks or so but we had no idea things were this bad.  According to her husband’s report she was doing better but….  She is skin and bones and very weak.  She has a cough and hasn’t been able to eat well.  She says food tastes bitter.  We were glad for the presence of Mama Zilpah with us as well to help with translating.  Bit by bit her story came out.  Doctors don’t seem to know the problem.  Zilpah seems to think its an emotional problem.  Caroline is plagued with fear… especially about their house falling down on her, etc.  It’s in very bad condition and she worries about trees falling on it, etc.  She also kept talking about snakes in the corner of the house. Not a comforting thought to me since I was sitting close to that corner!  And she talked about the house being eaten by bugs. Glenda and I noticed that the floor was crawling with bugs!  We tried to encourage her the best we knew how and prayed earnestly for her and her fears, renouncing the powers of darkness.  My heart aches for her and I sincerely hope that our sweet Caroline will be feeling her normal self again soon!! We hope to take her to a competent Dr. this week.

   We were invited to Joshua and Millicent’s house (from Kajulu) for Bible Study, on Wednesday.  I love the setting there!  It’s at the foot of a beautiful mountain and things are lush green right now!  But oh it was SO warm in the house that day and I had a terrible time staying awake!!!  After Bible Study we were served mandazi's AND slam sandwiches!!  I couldn’t eat nearly everything! But I’m amazed how much these old mama’s can eat! I was glad to get safely down to the main highway when we left… the “road” we were on seemed to me impassable but not to Wayne! :)

   Wayne had a rough day Thursday.  I think he felt that everything he tried to get done was a failure.  There were problems with the water system, time wasted at a bank, and I don’t know what all!  But thankfully he does well at bouncing back and he was soon smiling again. In the afternoon he spent a number of hours with Lester and Brian getting the Dienya church funds up to date and transferred to Brian’s computer.  Kore joined us for supper that eve.  Prayer meeting was held at Joseph and Becky’s house.  The power was off a lot of the evening but we made out fine with lanterns, etc.

  Friday morning Wayne had a meeting with Brothers from Ombeyi and did some interviews in preparation for Ordination.  From there he went to Ahero to do a body transport.  The deceased (Adams Ochieng) is the first born son of Francis and Pamela (Ahero).  (Adams motorcycle was hit by an out of control vehicle that was running away from the police.  His passenger survived and gave testimony at the burial) It was one of those unforgettable days!  Adams was a piki piki driver based at the Ahero market, so the procession was serenaded by a lot of motorcycles as well as a "security" team running along side and directing traffic.  Before they took the body home they took "him" for a ride through the Ahero market!  They also had a viewing right there in the market in front of the piki group's stage, which is also right along the highway.  There was a huge crowd!  Adams wife had been missing for a few years and after he passed away they had a hard time finding her.  A few years ago she left her husband and small children and went to Nairobi.  During the ride from the mortuary and also at the burial, she cried and cried.  Pray that she would surrender her life to Jesus Christ and find the peace that she needs.
  Brian Waglers and Kore were here for supper that eve.  When I saw that there was going to be extra food we invited Joseph and Becky to join us as well since they came home late because of a body transport in Oroba as well.  It was a good evening and we enjoyed watching volleyball on the lane afterward.

  Wayne preached at the funeral service yesterday.  He especially encouraged Adams "piki" friends to repent and wear the "helmet of Salvation".  Many "piki" drivers here do not wear helmets and it's not uncommon to even see them carrying them on the motorcycle in front of them.  Many people do the same, they "carry" the name of Jesus and the Word of God, but they don't wear it.  They carry their "salvation" around, unapplied. These young men have such potential and energy, if only that could be directed into doing right and following King Jesus.  Wayne was glad to see quite a few former CBF members there for the funeral… John Awuonda, George Owino and son Joash, Puis, Mama Sara, Rhoda Nafula, and others..  Before he got home it started pouring down rain!!  And it kept on for a couple hours!  We had a flood on our porch and now we have mud to wash off!  I don’t think I’ve ever seen it rain so long or hard since we came!

  We attended church at Dienya again this morning since it was Lester’s last Sunday and tradition is now to give the new Pastor a “charge” or pray a prayer of blessing on him and his family as they stand up front.  And then the church agrees to support the new Pastor and bless him.  Dienya has been through lots of changes but I’m proud of them for the way they seem strong and continue to rejoice in the Lord.  Maybe Africans are better at change then we Wazungu’s ( white people) are!  Lester preached a good message… speaking words of encouragement in this time of change as they receive a new Pastor.  It was SO nice for Wayne to have a break from preaching!!  Have a good week!  Nyasaye Ogwedhi (God bless you!)  Clara

Sisters waiting at Francis and Pamela's dala on Friday

Viewing at Ahero Market

Part of the crowd at Ahero Market

Procession on the way to the dala from the mortuary and Ahero market.  This is the spot where Adams was killed.

Nearing the dala.  Notice the "security team" with the vests and sticks.

Becca Mast

Jairius Mast and Tiffany Yoder

Tobias Ajuma, Eric Ogwe and John Owunda(R) at the burial.

Adams wife (Center)

John and Pamela (Adams parents)

Adams piki friends

Covering the grave

It rained!!!  The road outside our compound!

Sunday morning "final touches" after the hour ride to church. (Mary Jane and Becca Mast)

Clara and Joy

Shonda, Dassa and Geneva 

Children's Sunday School at Dienya

Ladies Sunday School

Brian's charge to keep the "Flock at Dienya"

Jaduong Jacob reading the charge in Dholuo

Pastor Brian and Jairius

Maurice and Pastor Lester

Greeting the Pastors after church

On the way home...

Monday, March 20, 2017

The Sacrifice of Praise...

"Praise is the best of all sacrifices and the true evidence of godliness."

   "The sacrifice of praise comes from a humble heart that has been purified by fire."

   "By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name." Heb. 13:15

    This phrase "the sacrifice of praise," jumped out at me when I was reading this verse recently.  I've been mulling over what makes praise a sacrifice.  Praise is a happy, joyous thing so why should it be a sacrifice? I wonder if it means that during hard times when the last thing we feel like doing is praising, but we do it anyway, just because God is good and He deserves it... That's a sacrifice well pleasing to God!

   The rains disappeared for a week or so but thank God they're back!!  We can't praise Him enough for answering our prayers and giving our friends hope for their crops!!  I LOVE the green grass, flowering things, and new life!  

  Bradlyn's most recent project is caring for a pigeon that Gerold's had for a while but it was attacked by the chickens at their house and looks rather pitiful with feathers missing.  It can't fly well but makes a good pet for our children.  Wayne built a nice cage for it yesterday and the pigeon seems happy with it! The children love watching it and say it shows off! :) Bradlyn named it Bobby.

   Wayne has been spending time with Paul Juma from Ahero the last several weeks. Paul has been suffering from back pain and other problems for a long time!  Wayne took Paul to the Russia hospital where it was discovered that instead of having TB as they thought initially, he has cancer.  It started in the prostate and has gone to his lungs and possibly the spine.  Paul is 68 years old and has decisions to make now as far as what he wants to do for treatment.  There is very little money for doctoring so I suppose there is not a lot that can be done for him besides making him comfortable.  He was prescribed meds for pain and inflammation and has been feeling a lot better.  He has a young wife with a small baby, named after Marlin Stoltzfus. Wayne was impressed with Paul when it came to making decisions... Paul said he wants to go home and pray about it first.  

   Last Friday Wayne flew to Nairobi again to pick up certificates of "good conduct" for him and Joseph.  He met Marlin Yoder there and went with him on some Agape business. Wayne thought his piki ride in the city was pretty wild!  The driver did all kinds of maneuvers.  Wayne wondered if that's how I feel sometimes when he's driving! :)  I told him "EXACTLY!"  I was glad he's had a taste of what I go through! :)  The flight home was delayed because of plane problems.  So they had to find another plane and he finally arrived in Kisumu over an hour late. We actually got to watch him land at the airport from the Acacia Restauant!  Kore Beachy and Brian Wagler's family were here for CAM work that day and they wanted to treat Josephs, Stacy, and us to a meal at Acacia because of the times we've hosted them when they come to Kisumu.  Wayne wasn't there for the first part of the evening of course, but after watching him land he soon arrived.  ( Brian Mast picked him up at the airport) to join us for a WONDERFUL meal!!  It was a beautiful evening and I was SO glad to have Wayne home safe and sound!  

   On Saturday eve. we enjoyed hosting Gerold's family, along with their visitors, Andre and Sharon Weaver, and Joe and Glenda, here for supper.  It's interesting to us that Andre's recently moved from Ohio to Tazewell, VA, which is not too far from Wytheville.  They along with a few other families are beginning a new outreach there.  Brings back so many good memories of when the church at Wytheville started!

   Last Sunday we attended church at Dienya along with Lesters and Brians.  We enjoyed it very much!  Wayne preached a challenging message on the "tongue."  I was so glad to finally see Nick and Lillian's addition to their family!  Around 8 weeks ago Nick was walking past the property where the old church was and discovered that somebody had left a newborn baby lying close to the choo.  Apparently someone wanted to throw it down the hole but thank God the door was locked!  Nick rescued the baby that was wrapped in his mother's maternity clothes.  No one around wanted the baby and so Nicks have been pouring love into him.  They are so excited about having a new son!  Lillian lost 7 babies in the past and they only had one living son.  The baby is very tiny but doing well and growing.  He is adorable!!  They named him Ivan Moses.  I'm guessing Ivan after Ivan Peachey and they say Moses because they found him.  After leaving church we enjoyed a delicious lunch at Lester's house along with Brian and Mary Jane and family.

  Wayne visited Francis Obuya from Ahero on Tuesday.  They had a very sad thing happen to them recently when their son who is a piki driver was hit by an out of control vehicle and he died.  His head hit the road and split open. Sadly, we don't know if he was a Christian. The funeral is coming up on Saturday.  CBF will be having it because he did not have a church that he was a part of.

  On Wednesday Wayne had a meeting at Ombeyi with Bishop Eric and Pastor Peter.  They're looking at the possibility of deacon ordination there but unfortunately there are hard things to work through with some relationships first.  Please pray for much wisdom for Wayne as he tries to help.  

   I've been busy cleaning out cupboards, pantry, closets, and drawers the last while!  I have this drive in me to get rid of stuff we don't need and organize!!  It's a wonderful feeling to get it done and I love the fact that the dust isn't flying around here right now because of the lovely rains that come most every day! It makes cleaning feel more worth it! Clarissa and I have been cutting out dresses too.  On Thursday when the Pastors from here went to Nakuru to help work on the new Lamp and Light building we ladies got together at Becky's house to do some sewing, etc.  It was great!  We enjoyed the fellowship and then to top it off we went to Acacia to eat a late lunch in honor of Hannah who will be leaving us soon.

  There was some excitement in our lawn on Friday afternoon when Andre Weaver cut down a big tree that was dying.  He knew exactly where to cut to make the tree fall just where he wanted it.  I was really sad to see the tree go but was thankfully it was in the back corner, and not in the middle of the lawn where we really need the shade.  

  This morning we attended church at Lela where Wayne preached a message on, "What is surrender?"  After the service our family went to the hospital in Ahero to visit Lina Aduda and her sweet daughter Josephine who was deathly sick with malaria this past week.  Thankfully, when we got there; Josephine was much better and looking "chipper!"  I was rather horrified with the conditions around there. We had to avoid a big water puddle on the side walk and walk gingerly around blood spatters as well.  Please don't ever take the nice clean environment at the hospitals in America for granted!  We are so blessed!!  

   We had an interesting Sunday evening activity at Gerolds.  Andre Weaver who works for CAM Rapid Response, showed us slides of the work that CAM is involved in. Very interesting!!  It felt kind of strange to be on this side of the water as we saw many pictures of poor people in Africa.  I recognized some of the people on the pictures.  It's good to be reminded of the poverty all around us.  After seeing it day after day you can become almost immune to it or something and it might not affect us like it did at first.  God give us wisdom to know how to meet the needs!  Clara for the Yoders

It's Raining!!

Andre and Stan fixing CBF Ahero gate

Bible Study at Noah Atito's

Andre and Sharon Weaver


More than one way to haul door frames! Some of you probably recognize this spot.

Tiffany Yoder and Angela Weaver

Honor Roll Party!

Lamp and Light's new offices


Ask Jeremy where Joe learned to do that!

Pastor Brian at work!


Elizabeth Ajuma in her kitchen

Paul and Jane Juma with son's Mishak and Marlin

Cleaning up the mess in our back yard.  Thanks to good neighbors!!!

Baba' Gerold at work!
Pasta' Joe's Trucking

Clara and Glenda talking to Sister Janet.  Pray for Janet.  Her teenage daughter just
had her second self induced abortion.  Janet was filled with grief and pain.  (Abortion is illegal in Kenya,
but many young girls take matters into their own hands, killing many innocent children.)
Dishon, Brad, and Amani
Pastors and Needs Committee huddle after church at Lela
Pray for Florence she is a very promising young lady. As an orphan she is the only one of her family that attends
Lela, but she almost always brings other children.  She wants to join the church.

Bobby's cage