"I would go to the deeps a hundred times to cheer a downcast spirit. It is good for me to have been afflicted, that I might know how to speak a word in season to one that is weary." Charles Spurgeon
"Correction does much, but encouragement does more."
"The best way to help those who are behind you is to heed those before you." Jack Hyles
I've been thinking about the power of encouragement... especially to those of the "household of faith." Sometimes our focus tends to be "out there" in our Kenyan churches and we forget that there may be people right here in our compound, and in our own homes, who need an encouraging word or listening ear. My sisters here have been a wonderful blessing to me, in ways that they probably don't even know. "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold, in pictures of silver."
It's been close to 3 weeks since we've blogged, so I won't attempt to tell you all that has happened, but just pick out some highlights.
Our clothing sales are finished for the year 2018!! Opake Yesu! The last sale day was a big one! We went to Kasongo in the morning and to Ombeyi in the afternoon. Unfortunately there were no vans available for us to use that day, so we had to majorly cram everything into our car. Leave it to Wayne to find a way... The Kasongo sale went well. There was an older widow there that day who wasn't able to pay for a 100 shilling dress. ($1) She just sat off to the side and continued working on some hand stitching that she had. My heart went out to her so I mentioned it to Wayne and he talked to Pastor Tobias about it and in a very short time someone brought money for her to get a dress. I wish you could've seen her! She folded her hands and looked up to Heaven... she was SOOO grateful for a new dress! I've rarely seen someone so very thankful for a gift. I love to see those who are able to help the poorest among them, take initiative to do it themselves without always looking to the mzungu (white man) to do everything for them. I should also mention that the income that comes from any used clothing we have goes directly back to their church fund. It's a great plan and these sales are definitely a real blessing to the churches. The Ombeyi sale wasn't quite as well attended, and some walked in quite late. Our hearts are heavy for the church there. Former Bishop Eric is still attending there but we are very troubled by his life, and it looks like more steps will needed to be taken in the near future.
We ladies enjoyed a sister's meeting at Martha's house one evening. Becky Hostetler agreed to share her life story, and we all enjoyed that very much! It's amazing how we can live and work so closely together here in Kenya but sometimes we know very little about our backgrounds. I love this tradition of sharing our stories! Martha had the food table all nicely decked out with a number of her wonderful dishes and hot drinks.
We've been keeping Steve Esh busy speaking a number of times recently. He talked to the youth one Friday eve. and gave their story about "reentry" back to their homeland. It sounded very interesting and we would've enjoying hearing it too. And then a few days later we hosted a Sunday eve. activity here at our dala. We set up chairs and the food table in our lawn and Clarissa had things decorated nicely with candles in jars hanging from the tree, etc. We had a special table for Stacy's farewell cake that Becky so nicely decorated. It was a beautiful evening to begin with and we enjoyed hearing Steve share "Lessons learned on the mission field" (from earlier years when they lived here). But soon the sky started getting dark and thunder rumbled. Oh dear! Some people started sharing words of encouragement and blessing for Stacy before she leaves, and before they finished everyone had to scramble to move everything under the carport and porches. It all turned out ok but we had quite a rainstorm!! Thankfully the power stayed on the whole time! It's been quite erratic lately.
The next day our family, Sylvia, Rhoda, and Kaylita took Stacy to the airport here in Kisumu where we said our sad goodbyes. Does a person ever get used to those? I don't think I do! I hate them! But God gives grace and life goes on. I told my girls though that we REALLY need to stay in touch with Stacy or she might just fade out of our lives like the others did who left before her. :(:( I trust that won't happen right away though! We've been in contact with her off and on.
I should have mentioned that on the day of the farewell here at our house, we were at Kasongo for the morning Communion service. Afterwards we were invited to Pastor Tobias and Millicent's house. We were relieved to reach their dala safely. Our vehicle doesn't have 4 wheel drive and we went through some pretty bad mud holes to get there!
Wayne has been doing some visiting and preaching at funerals as usual the last few weeks.The deceased was Susan Amolo from Dienya (former Nyangondo member). Wayne visited George Owino and Johannes Opiyo one day (some of you formers remember them). Praise the Lord, they desire to be restored to the church and have been showing signs of repentance. He also spent a day with Pastor Tobias this week visiting some sick folks... one was old Mama Junia from Ahero who appears to be dying. They also visited Peter Ooko who has been in the Boya hospital for a while. He has a strange problem with his leg and Wayne isn't convinced that he's getting the help he needs. They also visited Silpa (John Omondi's mother). John was there as well and Wayne had a good talk with him about some of the issues they've been working through at Ahero. Continue praying about the commissioning that we're still hoping to accomplish there. We don't know when that will be but we praise the Lord for the positive signs we are seeing.
Wayne spent 2 days working on the land title issue for Nyakoko church. Land issues here always have surprises and this is no exception. Working towards title deeds is a good way to get an education on the legal and sometimes illegal shenanigans that go on here. Looks like it will be another interesting process. Wayne rather enjoys the process. It is an opportunity to make new friends and contacts in the community as well in government offices.
On Tues. eve. of this week the school children had an honor roll party down at the lake. While they were gone Clarissa and Sylvia went to town together since they were the only youth girls left and also checked out the new Milimani Beach resort down close to the lake. Our family checked it out one day recently as well, and it's very interesting! The buildings are all covered with rocks on the outside and the restaurant is out over the lake. It's nice but still not finished, although the restaurant is open for business. I think it will be beautiful when finished! So with all our children gone that eve. Wayne and I enjoyed a good date at the food court at Tuffoam!
On Wed. Wayne and I left early for Bible study because it was going to be about 2 hours before we finally reached our destination. First of all we bounced and bumped our way to Kajulu church, picking up Tom and Pamela on the way. Later we picked up Andrew and Christine, Pastor Joshua and others who wanted a ride to the home of Lynette, a lady who cared for 2 orphans that lived in Kajulu and attended church there. Lynette lives in the Seme area, off of the same road that goes to Bondo. It was a LONG drive but we had a very nice Bible study there. Wayne shared a topic and then we were served ugali, beef, sukuma, green grams, and chapatis! It was very good! On the way home Wayne dropped me off at the stage outside of the Kisumu airport and Clarissa and Shonda came to pick me up. Otherwise I'd have had to bounce and jostle all the way back to Kajulu church again. I was so grateful for the chance to be home early since Joes and Rhoda and Kaylita were coming for supper in the eve. I can still hardly believe that our oldest daughter is doing so well with driving in Kenya! I'm feeling quite comfortable with letting her drive now.
Last Monday was Shonda's 15th birthday! So that means we have 2 daughters with the youth group! How can these things be?? Clarissa and I took a snack to school in the afternoon to celebrate and later in the evening we had a nice table set up with stromboli and pasta salad on the menu. Clarissa decorated a white pumpkin cake for Shonda. It tasted as nice as it looked! Shonda had the honor of making her own pumpkin spice cake.
Last week when it was our turn to host prayer meeting we decided to do something different since a number of families were not here and the group was small. So we planned a carry-in soup and breadstick supper complete with apple goodie and hot fudge dessert! It was so good! After that we had a short time of singing and prayer.
Today was our joint unit meeting with Nakuru! James and Christina Barkman were hosts and things went smoothly. The agenda for the meeting was short so there was plenty of time for Steve Esh to share a devotional and Steve Eash to share their call to missions. Yes there were 2 Steve's here and it's important that we pronounce their last names right! :) . We were happy to meet Steve and Martha's visitors who just arrived here from Nairobi last eve. Steve's son, Julian and Cathy and son Kylan are here! We're so happy for Steve's as they anticipated their arrival so much!
We would appreciate prayers for Bishop Thomas Amata's wife Susan who was in the hospital this week. She was diagnosed with septic arthritis. She has had painful and swollen joints. I think she's doing some better now.
For years now people have been warned that they are not to put buildings on the right-of-way next to the highway. About a year ago the government came through and painted big X's on the illegal signs and buildings. As so often happens here, many people just ignored it and went on with life as usual. But judgement day came a few weeks ago! Two large payloaders came down the highway... MILES of roadway... and left a trail of destruction as they pushed over fronts of buildings, boda boda shades, signs, etc. Wayne observed some of it happening and said that it looked like thousands of people were there watching. I can't wait til they get stuff cleaned up! It looks awful!
We continue to wait anxiously and pray earnestly for staff needs here in Kisumu. We're sad that Brian Mast's work permit has not come through and we need to give up hopes that they can return. It's been difficult but God gives grace and the fill-ins that have come to take their place have been a huge blessing to us! We were encouraged today at the meeting to hear that Brad McGrath's (single worker in Nakuru) work permit was approved recently in 2 1/2 months time! So maybe there's hope that things will be better in the future. We're trusting God to provide for the needs here! The harvest is great! The work is rewarding, but quite challenging! God bless all of you! Wayne and Clara
Sister's meeting |
Oops there! |
Clothing sale at Kasongo |
Part of the crowd watching the destruction caused by the payloaders in Rabuor |
Funeral of Susan Amolo |
Destruction of a church house |
Communion at Kasongo |
Walking to Tobias' and Millicent's house |
Steve Esh sharing at our Sunday evening activity (farewell) |
Add caption |
Goodbye Stacy |
James Barkman cutting some branches out of the tree in their lawn |
On the Eldoret-Kisumu road. Many of Kenya's world champion runners come from here. |
The new Milimani Beach resort |
Restaurant |
So many accidents! |
Shonda's birthday party at school |
White pumpkin cake |
Another crash in Kachok roundabout |
Kajulu Bible study at Lynette's house |
Discussing Nyakoko land issues with the members of the clan that sold it to us in 2007 |
Silpa and Mama Mary |
Unit Meeting at James and Christina's |
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