"When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude." G.K. Chesterton
"We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent or dissatisfaction. Harry Ironside
"The thankful heart sees the best of every situation. It sees problems and weaknesses as opportunities, struggles as refining tools, and sinners as saints in progress. Francis Frangipane
We have much to be thankful for here in Kisumu Kenya!! God is providing us with just about the perfect amount of rainfall. We appreciate the warm temperatures, even though it's a bit hard not to complain about the heat sometimes. We're blessed by the many faithful members in our churches, even though our hearts are heavy for the ones who are not. We're thankful for a wonderful compound family who loves us in spite of our shortcomings. We're thankful for health to be able to serve where God has called us. God is GOOD!!
It's almost 3 weeks ago now since Paul Oda was commissioned as Pastor at Oroba church. His wife Risper seems like a very supportive wife and I think they will be a real blessing to the church. The church service started around 10 am that morning and dismissed around 2:30! There were quite a lot of Paul's relatives there who all took their time in introducing themselves and giving a little speech besides! And one of the national Pastors who gave testimony afterwards ended up almost preaching a mini sermon! Such is life in Kenya! We're happy for Joseph and Becky that they have some help in leading the church at Oroba.
On Wed. of that week, we attended Bible study at Jacob and Joyce's house (Lela). It was so good to be with those dear folks again! Mama Zilpa was there. She has been attending church fairly regularly. Please continue to pray for her... she says she has peace but there are still things that need to be worked through before she can be reaccepted as a member.
On Thurs. eve. Steve and Martha hosted the Prayer meeting. Their son Julian and Cathy and little Kylan were there as well. We enjoyed having them around for a few weeks. That eve. Martha served some outlandishly good cheese balls and crackers! Such a treat for these mzungus who have a hard time adjusting to Kenya cheese! :) . We enjoyed hosting Steve's, Julians, Rhoda, and Joes here at our house the next evening.
On Sunday we attended the Communion service at Kajulu. It was nice to have Steve and Martha there as well as Julians and Rhoda. For lunch we were invited to Pastor Joshua and Millicent's house. Jennifer and her girls did the cooking that day and we were served a very delicious Kenyan meal. We enjoyed hearing Jennifer and her girls sing afterwards.
The next day Tommy and Marji Wagler and Duane and Emily Sommers with their 2 children arrived in Kisumu!! It was SO GOOD to be with Tommys again!! They and Duanes were here working for the ROM program. The time seemed far too short. I told Marji that I think we could talk for hours and still wouldn't be finished! Duane and Emily are wonderful folks as well! They have had a lot of pain in their lives but their story is so amazing! God has truly made something beautiful out of their lives! We hope we meet them again someday! They live on the WA/OR border. Their home town is Walla Walla, WA.
Friday of that week was the annual Kisumu Pastor's meeting at Jennifer's Gardens. All the national Pastors and their wives were there. We felt really good about the day. Everyone seemed to enjoy it very much! While the Pastors had their meeting we ladies listened to Joshua's wife Millicent share about ways we can support and encourage our Pastor Husbands. Marji also shared a bit, as well as others. Then some of the ladies sang for a while. It was beautiful! Lunch consisted of chicken, potatoes, rice, cabbage salad, and banana bread. There were some games played afterward such as corn hole, and can-jam. Duane and Emily traveled with Wayne and I. They had fun throwing candy out the windows to the delighted children along the way to the Gardens.
Sunday we attended church at Ahero. We were all excited about attending one of the closer churches where we don't have to bump and bounce so much to get there! :) We were also delighted to come home for lunch... just us! It had been a good while since we did that, so it was a special treat! That eve. the compound family met at Josephs for a hot dog roast. At least that was the plan, but God sent us a heavy rain so we ended up sitting in the carport. But it was ok. The food was wonderful!!! Thanks to Tommy and Marji for bringing some very yummy hot dogs all the way from America!! There was a lot of talking and laughter that eve. Tommys and Duane's really livened things up around here! :)
Wayne spent a good part of a day last week at the police station. Soon after 8 in the morning he went through a police check here in town. They discovered he didn't have his piki (motorcycle) license with him so they checked his license using his ID card and said it's expired. They were initially going to arrest him, but he showed them a picture of it that showed it was still valid until 2020. So they took the piki to the police station and then he had a real runaround til he finally convinced them that yes his license IS valid! Around noon he finally got the business he set out to do finished and after running back and forth between various places and the police station he finally got his piki released and got back home about 4:30.
Monday morning was a special time for the ladies! While the Pastors had their meeting, we ladies sat around tables that were nicely set up by Clarissa under the trees in our lawn and had a tea party. Marji shared some wonderful cheeseball and crackers with us and we also had danish braids and hot drinks. Emily shared part of her story with us. It was a real tear jerker! And then Marji spoke with us on the subject of "preparing ourselves to return to our homeland." She was honest with us that the adjustments can be very difficult, but if we prepare ourselves in a good way it can help so much! Marji shared a quote with us that I really like... "If we give thanks regardless of our feelings, He will give joy regardless of our circumstances."
Wayne continues to work on land issues with the Nyakoko church whenever he can. Progress is slow but sure. Yesterday Wayne and I did a body transport for old mama Yunia Onunga, from Ahero. Things went fairly well. While we were at the mortuary another body arrived there and what a weeping and wailing!!! It was really something to see and hear! I'm glad we don't need to weep as those who have no hope...
The children are enjoying Thanksgiving vacation from school. One exciting thing for them is that Pepper, the dog that stays at Steve and Martha's house, had 5 puppies this week! The one was a runt and died the next day, but the others seem to be doing fine. We had a very nice time with the compound on Thanksgiving Day. Kaylita and our girls did most of the decorating. It was so pretty with candles in jars hanging from the roof of the tent and the tables with fruit in baskets and pretty loaves of bread on cutting boards. Steve and Martha shared some wonderful good ham with us. I think Julians brought it with them when they came. We also had broccoli/cauliflower salad, and corn chip salad. Rhoda's parents, Andy and Dora are here to visit right now. Andy is a brother to Steve's wife, Martha. They have been a blessing as well, and shared some of the ingredients that were needed for these yummy salads. For dessert Christina made a raspberry yum yum. So cool and refreshing! There were table games in the afternoon and the school children and Pastors played a rousing game of kickball! We also had some good games of corn hole. A cousin of Gerold's, Steven Lee, was here to visit for a while, so the youth enjoyed hearing his stories that day. He has gone home now and Sylvia flew part of the way with him. She has completed her term of service with AMA. It will be an adjustment for all of us!
We're excited about the progress that is being made with the commissioning at Ahero. John Omondi received the most votes by the congregation and Charles Ochieng also received a good amount. After receiving counsel from the National and Mission Pastors it was decided to put the commissioning on hold while we worked through a few questions that lingered with the issues that had resulted in brother John being removed from the ministry some years ago. It was our desire to try to make sure that the foundation is solid, so that the past cannot return to defeat Brother John or the Church. Though it was initially painful to bring up the past, we rejoice that all involved responded very well and we believe things have been brought to rest. On Sunday Wayne laid everything out to the church and announced that if things continue to be clear we will plan to proceed, God willing, in the beginning of the new year. If there is strong support from the church we will even consider commissioning both of these brothers. The church seemed happy and unified that day which was so encouraging! Your continued prayers are much appreciated!
Time continues to bring changes. People come and people go. May we all be faithful no matter where we find ourselves. Thanks for your support and prayers, Wayne and Clara
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