"God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called."
"Don't stay in the boat when God is calling you to step out on the water."
"God is looking for those with whom He can do the impossible- what a pity that we plan only the things that we can do by ourselves. AW Tozer
It's a good thing we can't see the future. If I had known before coming to Kenya, the huge learning curve, the many responsibilities we would be given, the hard decisions, the discomforts, the frustrations, etc. it would have looked impossible!! But I also wasn't prepared for the way Kenya and it's people wrap around your heart, for the WONDERFUL friendships made, the precious memories, the joy of serving, the GRACE for each day, the direct answers to prayer, and the list goes on... Truly with God all things are possible! I've been amazed at the strength God gives when we take a day at a time.
It seems dry season is not actually coming to stay. The grass never got brown. We are enjoying near perfect temperatures, in fact evenings can be quite chilly. We will miss Kenya's weather SO much!! The nationals are preparing the soil in their shambas and I believe some have already planted. Please pray for a bountiful harvest.
Wayne and I had the privilege of visiting Pastor Joel and Milkah from Nyakoko recently. They have been traumatised by the death of their baby girl who died during birth. The staff at the hospital they went to was on strike, so it seems some unqualified people tried to help with the delivery and it ended with the baby being pulled from the mother, which resulted in the baby's eye coming out of it's socket and the face being grossly disfigured. Our hearts ache for them. They seemed to appreciate our visit very much. We took them a strong, healthy chicken that we hope will produce many eggs for them. Joel and Milkah then went with us to the Nyakoko Bible study. God answered prayers for us that day. We had a hard time finding Joel and Milkah's house... Wayne tried to call a number of people and no one answered their phone. We sat along the road, trying to decide what to do. We asked a number of people and no one knew where they lived. Some of the men we asked seemed to be drunk or drugged. We were feeling quite out of our comfort zone when we were pleasantly surprised to see a Nyakoko member biking towards us. He was a godsend. He said he didn't even finish all his lunch. He just decided to go to Bible study early and then found us along the road. I'm convinced God made him feel compelled to do that! He parked his bike and then rode with us to show the way to Joels. Opake Yesu!
There were a number of youth visiting Kisumu recently. Three sons of Mark and Mary Ellen Beachy were here for a few days... Marcellus, Markus, and Micah. It was good to see Dr. Dishon again... he came from Nairobi with the Beachy boys to spend some time with them here. Steve Esh's were also blessed with six youth from their home church in Dickson, TN. They were a lively bunch! We went to Kajulu for church the Sunday that they also visited there and we loved to hear their singing. The Kajulu youth also sang with them and did a great job!! We were sad to have to announce to the church that day that the brother they chose to be commissioned, Tom Ogema, doesn't feel ready for this responsibility. We trust God will show the way forward for the church in His time. On Sunday eve. we hosted Steves, Allens, and the Dickson youth at our house. We enjoyed hearing them sing again. They also spent some time sitting around the camp fire, enjoying s'mores, etc.
The last several weeks have been very full with all the activities planned while the AMA Delegation was here. Jonas and Wanda Beiler were here as well as Delbert and Susan Schlabach. We were so happy that Delberts daughter Elaine could come with them and also Melodie and Jana, Jonas' daughters. Two more of Melodie's siblings, Gene and Janelle, arrived in Kisumu a few days ago.
It seemed every day was full to the brim... We enjoyed going to the Ahero Bible study with Delberts and Elaine on the first Wed. afternoon they were here. It was hosted by Mama Felista. Delbert shared a good topic from John 15. It was very warm that day so we were happy that they chose to sit outside under the shade trees, instead of inside the hot house. The next evening we hosted prayer meeting at our house and enjoyed waffle cones (made by Julie and Melodie) and ice cream afterwards. There was a special grilled chicken supper planned on Friday evening after the Delegation had another long day of doing interviews. We met at the empty house where Joseph's lived. The food was great!! We had so many good times with these two couples! They were very caring about the things we face here and also very full of energy, helping in any way they could. There was lots of laughter and release from some of the heavy things we face here.
A week ago today we attended Oroba church. We were amazed how "nice" the Miwani road was. We arrived in about 45 minutes instead of the usual hour plus...There was still plenty of jarring and bumping going on though!! We were happy to have Rhoda Wengerd with us that day. Continue to pray for Benter... she continues to receive threats from her husband Vitalis. He threatens to take the children sometimes which is quite unsettling... Pray for his repentance. Wayne had a special prayer for her at church. That evening the unit was together at Deans. Delbert shared inspiration and encouragement with us. It poured down rain that night.
A real highlight for the ladies was a tea party planned on Monday morning while the Pastors had their meeting. Clarissa nicely set a table for us out on our lawn and Melodie and Elaine blessed us by providing all the food!! The quiches, scones, and fruit were SO delicious!! Susan shared a topic with us that was so rich and full, I wish it could've been recorded. We had a great time of sharing and felt like our tanks were filled up!!
Our interview with the Delegation happened on Tues. morning. Afterward Wayne and I enjoyed a lunch with Delbert and Susan at the Hangover Hotel. Jonas and Wanda were with James' for lunch that day. We really enjoyed the African experience at Hangover! :) The kuku choma and nyama choma were great!
On Wed. Wayne and I attended Bible study at Mama Sarah's house. (Ombeyi) There was a very good turn out that day and we were glad for a larger house to be in because it rained most of the time we were there. I think that was the first Bible study in Kenya where I was actually chilly and needed a leso around my shoulders! Mama Sarah has a handicapped son named Clifford who is around 20 years of age. He was lying on a reed mat in the kitchen when we visited him. It was so dark in there we could hardly see him except for the whites of his teeth. But he seemed happy to see us and we were blessed by Sarah's very obvious love for her son. Wayne also prayed for one of the Mamas that day who has a nasty wound on her leg. It looks awful!! I hope I have opportunity to give her some B&W salve sometime. I'm hoping that will help her.
Wed. eve. the Delegation treated the whole unit to supper at the Yacht Club. It rained that night but we still very much enjoyed the food and fellowship! We will REALLY miss our favourite Asian food, paneer, when we go home!!
On Thursday there was a Bishop's meeting in Kericho at Ray's Place. This included Steve and Wayne from here and Freeman and Marlin from Nakuru, as well as the Board members, Delbert and Jonas. Martha had the idea that maybe her and I should go along to be company for Susan and Wanda. From Kericho the Delegation went to Nakuru. We ladies had a wonderful day! Ray's Place in Kericho is located in the middle of tea fields. We walked out to where the workers were and learned many things about how they pick tea, how it is weighed, etc. A good worker can make over 600 shillings a day, which is $6. The tea they were picking was for the Lipton tea company. While we watched the workers there were monkeys close by entertaining us with their antics. We ladies had plenty of time to visit while we sat outside soaking up the sunshine. While sitting there we saw the plane going overhead that was bringing Melodie's siblings to Kisumu.
On Thursday eve. a very unfortunate thing happened to Rosie Miller. Her and Brian were walking together enjoying an evening alone while Elaine kindly took care of their children. Rosie stepped into a hole and heard something crack in her foot. She had excruciating pain, and actually vomited because of it. They took her to Aga Khan to get an x-ray and discovered a break and what they thought was a torn ligament. The next morning they did an MRI. The last word I've heard was that the ligament is not torn but she has two small breaks. She is doing as well as can be expected with a cast and crutches. We ladies cleaned her house for her on Friday morning and that's when I heard the wonderful news that Elaine Schlabach would be extending her stay here to help Rosie. What a HUGE relief and blessing!!! We're so excited to have her here until June 2! Elaine was here to help out last year for 3 months or so and she left part of her heart here when she left. She's seems as happy to be here as we are to have her! She is living in our guest quarters behind our house.
Today we attended church at Ahero. Wayne had a good message on "the chain of bitterness". Today Pastor John Omondi was put in the position of lead Pastor. Deacon Tobias wanted it that way after carrying that load in addition to his deacon role for several years. May God richly bless him for his faithful service. We rejoice to see what God has done for the church at Ahero.
Thanks for your prayers for the mission here. We look forward to welcoming Ernie and Margie Yoder and their two children from Fincastle, VA , to the staff in May. We also rejoice that Raymond Fishers from Greenville, TN have agreed to come the beginning of Aug. He will likely be taking Wayne's place as Bishop. We are still praying for someone to assist with the work at Nyakoko and Oroba and mentor the pastors there. God is good!! Wayne and Clara
The Beachy boys |
Micah Beachy, Dr. Dishon, James Barkman |
Burial of Jane Juma's handicapped son (Oroba) |
Youth singing at Kajulu |
Tobias Ajuma preaching at Kajulu |
Ahero Bible study |
Delbert Schlabach teaching at Bible study |
Elaine with Brian's children |
Unit supper |
Pastor Paul Oda at Oroba |
Consolata making chapatis at our house |
Ladies tea party |
Kisumu missionary and national Pastors |
Dixie killed another mongoose... a fierce battle! |
Lunch at Hangover with Delberts |
Bible study at Mama Sarah's house (Ombeyi) |
Old mama's leg wound (she ripped it on a tree branch or something while walking about 2 months ago) |
Ladies enjoying the sunshine in Kericho |
Jonas and Wanda Beiler, Delbert and Susan Schlabach |
Concreting the floor at Ugunja church |
Our chef at Ray's Place (Kericho) |
Tea Pickers |
Bishop's meeting |
Friends... Kaylita Barkman, Elaine Schlabach, Shonda, Julie Esh, Rhoda Wengerd, Melodie Beiler, Clarissa |
Clarissa on her 20th birthday with the choc. mint cake she decorated |
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