"God doesn't give us what we can handle; He helps us handle what we are given."
"In the moment of crisis, the wise build bridges and the foolish build dams." African Proverb
"In times like these you need a Savior, In times like these you need an anchor; Be very sure, be very sure your anchor holds and grips the solid rock."
It's quite amazing how fast our lives can change, and the whole world for that matter! It feels strange to suddenly go from being "mzungu" to being called "corona". I feel really bad when I can see that people are afraid of us. People in town who know we live here in Milimani don't have an issue with us, but strangers who think we are tourists are afraid we're bringing the virus. Sigh... We hope for normal life again before long. We continue praying for God's protection on the nationals here. So far there are 31 confirmed virus cases in Kenya, and 1 death. We are currently on curfew, which lasts from 7pm - 5am daily. This doesn't really affect us since we always try to be home before dark anyway. Supermarkets are still open, but we must always wash our hands before entering. The police have tried to shut down the markets, with varying degrees of success. They used tear gas some places. I feel the most sorry for the small vendors along the roads who had to close down. Many of those people depend on those sales for their daily bread. Jubilee market was told that if they keep things clean, they won't be shut down. I doubt that Kisumu has EVER been so clean!! And I never thought I would see the day that folks don't shake hands, since that's just as natural as breathing for them. But we've resorted to fist or elbow bumping. Church was cancelled last Sunday, and will be again this Sunday. All international flights into and out of Nairobi have been banned, until further notice. We did get a notice from the US Embassy that British Airways will have two flights leaving on Sat. and Sun. this weekend and flying to London. This gives tourists who want to return home an opportunity to do so. Thankfully Lavon and Jadon Stoltzfus, and Simeon Molner who came two weeks ago, were able to get on one of those flights. For a while it looked like they would be stuck here until things open up again.
We said goodbye to Dean Miller's family a few weeks ago. It was hard to see them go. They were a huge blessing here in the compound, and they spent a lot of time with the churches at Oroba and Nyakoko. The boys did a LOT of work here in the compound which was so much appreciated! It's really hard to not have a Pastor for Oroba and Nyakoko. We wonder what God's plan is? We're thankful that each of those churches has a national Pastor now, but they still rely heavily on the missionary Pastor. It puts more strain on Wayne now that Deans are gone, but we trust God will provide. Please pray that the national Pastors can remain faithful and be especially strong during this time of waiting on the Lord...
It was decided to have another chicken butchering before Deans leave, so that there would be young boys here to help with that project. It's a great feeling to have so much good meat in our freezers once again! The usual breakfast afterward was enjoyed by all! Dean and Barbara were our hosts.
Wayne, Allen, and Brian, went to Ahero church recently to figure out what can be done to repair the church floor that has some bad holes in the concrete. Wayne also wanted to take them to meet the land officer in Ahero so that there is a relationship there after we leave. By the way... Wayne FINALLY has the Oroba land titles in hand, after many hours of work!! Opake Yesu!! Clarissa and I rode along to Ahero that day and while the men went about their business, we sat with Elizabeth Ajuma in her house to visit awhile. Recently while she was splitting wood something "flew into her back" and caused her LOTS of pain and she could hardly get around. As far as I know things are going better for her now since she was given medication. We had a nice, relaxing visit with her.
Two weeks ago there was a joint unit meeting in Nakuru. The AMA board members were there. Delbert and Susan flew out of Nairobi that night, but Jonas and Wanda's family stayed a while longer, taking time to visit the Masai Mara, etc. We always enjoy those unit meeting days! It's a great time to stay connected with the Nakuru folks. It felt strange to think that may have been our last trip to Nakuru before we leave. There was a farewell for James and Christina Barkman that day.
The day after unit meeting, Wayne had a meeting with the Pastors from Oroba, Nyakoko, Kasongo, and Ombeyi. On Sunday at Nyakoko church Wayne preached about Andrew. His title was "Lessons from a Follower". Those folks really took this no hand-shaking thing seriously and a lot of them got a big kick out of the elbow-bumping thing after church.:)
There was Family Day on Monday so we took time in the afternoon to sit beside the lake at the spot where Kiboko Bay used to be. It looks completely different there since all the cabins and most of the buildings were taken away. It was a nice place to relax, but rather windy. We took a light lunch along to eat there.
On Tues. Marlin Yoder, Winfred Miller, Johnny Zook, and Samuel Njogu came to Kisumu to meet with the land officer concerning CBF Oroba land titles. They were required to sign for Agape, KHL (the mission), and CBF (the church). Wayne and Thomas Amata were also there. That was the special day that the Oroba land titles were finally in hand!
On Wed. Wayne had a Pastor's meeting with the Lela, Rabuor, and Ahero Pastors. In the afternoon he met with the land officer at the Kasongo church, to work on acquiring that title.
On Thurs. there was a CBYC (Christian Believer's Youth Conference) board meeting in Kericho. Lavon Stoltzfus came back to Kisumu with Wayne that day. Jadon and Simeon spent some time at the Mara but Lavon chose not to go. Those 3 guys did some metal fabrication work for the new Kiuguini church building where Winfred Miller is pastor. They have really been a blessing... it's amazing what all they can accomplish in a short time. They have done some vehicle repair since they're here, mowed lawns and trimmed hedges, helped repair Brian's roof, repaired a concrete problem at James', and helped the Pastors pour concrete at the Ugunja church, etc. God bless them!!!
On Friday Wayne had a Baptismal interview to take care of at Nyakoko. Later in the day he had a Pastor's meeting with the Kajulu Pastors. Our hearts are heavy for Pastor Joshua and Millicent right now. Millicent left for her home without telling Joshua she was leaving. She's been gone for a week or two. It seems there are some debts that Millicent has accumulated without her husbands knowledge and that may be the cause of strained relationships? God knows the whole story... we are praying for restoration and peace in the home. Joshua and Millicent are MUCH needed in the church!
Church on Sunday was held in the compound because of the ban on large gatherings in Kenya. We met under the trees at S5, the house that Deans vacated. It was a lovely day and we enjoyed the service so much!! Lavon led the singing, Steve was moderator, Allen had children's class, the youth girls sang two songs... one of them was written by the group about the corona virus :) James had a short 20 min. sermon, and then Wayne also had a short sermon. Afterwards there was a wonderful fellowship meal with all kinds of variety to enjoy!!
On Monday was the burial of Vitalis, husband of Benter (Dienya). Vitalis finally met his end after a life of thievery, prison time, foolishness, making threats, etc. Poor Benter and her 4 children had a hard life. Benter was actually living in Oroba over the time of Vitalis' death because it wasn't safe for her to live at her home in Dienya area. Vitalis was killed by a mob who came to his house and slashed him. It seems he was stealing again... we're not sure of all the details. The sad thing is that Vitalis was a former church member who knew the truth and had been encouraged to repent, but he hardened his heart and continued in deceit and sin. Since his separation from Benter he had "taken" another woman that he was living with. Steve, Martha, and Julie attended the burial as well as Wayne and I and the rest of the missionary Pastors, Allen, Brian, and James. We waited a LONG time for the body to arrive. What a weeping and wailing when the small pickup truck loaded with the casket and full of people finally arrived at the dala. The service was very short though. There were only a few testimonies and Steve kept his very timely message short as well. It rained that afternoon, so we were cold!! It was breezy too! What a sad way to end a life that seemed so wasted. We hope that others will think seriously about life and remember that "we reap what we sow."
Kenya needs prayer!! There is a lot of fear and unrest. Some parts of the country are being eaten up by locusts. Other areas are experiencing flooding... it rains and rains!! Some houses are being washed away. And of course the virus is causing a lot of anxiety as well. What a day that will be when these earthly cares are finished and we will be forever with the Lord. Opake Yesu!! Wayne and Clara
Dean Miller Family. We were so blessed to have them here again! |
Nellie and Elisabeth Ajuma herding the cattle |
Elisabeth Ajuma (Ahero) |
You never know what you'll see next! |
Many hands make light work! |
Farewell prayer for Deans |
Clarissa loves design and detail. She created this fully furnished miniature house as she had time and then gave it to Jason Peachey's girls. Here they are exploring it. |
Joint Unit Meeting with Board Members |
Phoebe Eash (Steve's) |
Clarissa entertaining Nicholas Miller (Winfred's) |
Brad and Carson Miller |
Nyakoko Men's Sunday School |
Hmmm! |
Kiboko Bay (Former pool area) |
Baptism interview with Pastor Joel and Joshua Omulo |
Lavon Stoltzfus leading singing at the Sunday Compound service |
James preaching |
Allen and Bobby the balloon at children's class |
Brian Miller's parents, Marvin and Neva, Grove City, MN |
Vitalis's Burial |
Steve preaching the message |
Benter and her children (center) |
Brian Miller and Jadon Stoltzfus on a ditch project |
Simeon Molner was a big help on various projects |
Redoing the chronic roof problem at Brian's house |
Allen, Jadon, Simeon, and Lavon breaking up concrete at James's |
Ugunja Concrete project. Thanks to good help it is now finished! |