"Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory."William Barclay
"Suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope."
"The secret of endurance is to remember that your pain is temporary but your reward will be eternal." Rick Warren
We very much enjoyed our day at Jennifer's Gardens this week with all the National Pastor's and their wives, as well as the missionaries, and a few visitors. At our ladies meeting, Elizabeth Ajuma (Ahero) shared about "Endurance". She did a good job and it seemed everyone was encouraged to "keep on keeping on". In the middle of trials it can feel like the easiest thing would be to give up. But NO! That's not the answer... Matt. 24:13 says, "But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved." Opake Yesu!! It will be worth it all...
The rains have slowed down but we're still getting enough to keep things green. It feels like dry season is on the way though. The sun feels more direct and it gets very warm during the day.
A few weeks ago we enjoyed a special Sunday morning service at Ahero. They invited the Rabuor church to join them. They arranged all their own transport and provided chai and mandazis for everyone afterward. We were so proud of them for planning all this without the missionary suggesting it!!!! The choirs from the 2 churches did a lot of singing and it was great!!! That evening we hosted the compound at our house for an evening of singing Luo, German, and English. The youth sang 2 songs for us, which was lovely! Joseph and James also shared two different hymn stories with us. After that we listened to a hymn writer who lives among us... Rosie Miller has written around 60 songs. She shared some of her story with us and then we passed out song sheets and learned to sing one of her beautiful songs titled, "Just Hold On". Soup and breadsticks were on the menu afterwards.
The next day we ladies had a meeting relating to clothing room issues. Becky has now officially handed over responsibilities to Martha Esh. It was good to sit together and get a clearer understanding of how things are done there and how it can run smoothly.
Wayne and I and Clarissa recently delivered a sewing machine to Pastor Jacob and Benter's house (Ombeyi). They treated us royally to sodas and slam sandwiches, and later ugali and chicken!! We were trying to wait patiently because we were all in a hurry to get home since it was Shonda's 16th birthday and there was lots to do to get ready for her special party with the youth that eve. I guess days like this help us to remember where our priorities should be... it's not good to rush away from Luo hospitality! :) It's hard to believe that our second daughter is 16!! How time does fly!
On Tuesday there was a joint unit meeting in Nakuru. It was wonderful to be together with those folks again. There was a farewell for Joseph and Becky who have served here over 11 years! Also Matthias Byler plans to terminate soon. Josephs had some visitors with them that day... Lizzie Sommers from MO, and her married daughter and husband, Phil and Julie Schlabach. We were served some excellent ricado chicken, rice and beans for lunch! And Sue Ann treated us to her yummy cream pies. James and Christina traveled to Nakuru with us but from there they went to Nairobi to pick up Debbie Miller's mother who has come to help Winfred's since the birth of their fifth child named Sheyana. The next morning James' went back to the airport to pick up Christina's sister, James and Janet Shetler. We've really enjoyed having them around!
Friday was a special day for all the National Pastor's and their wives, and all the Missionary Pastors... we met at Jennifer's Gardens for a meeting and a time of visiting and recreation. We ladies enjoyed a topic by Elizabeth Ajuma and then the best part was hearing these ladies sing their hearts out!! They did a super job and love singing together. We ladies had a good view of the Colobus monkeys. They're so much fun to watch! James Shetler shared an encouraging devotional with the Pastors. After a delicious meal of beef, rice, potatoes, chapatis, cabbage salad, and banana bread, the Pastors enjoyed some games of can jam and corn hole. We left a bit earlier than planned that day because a big wedding party arrived to take pictures.
Last evening we hosted James Barkmans and their visitors, James Shetlers at our house. It was great to connect with them. I remember them from FMH days, way back when my family served there and James and Janet were still single. :)
After our visitors left last evening we discovered that Clarissa has a fever and wasn't feeling well at all. My heart sank because she had just been on malaria meds earlier in the week. Her meds obviously didn't knock it all out and then in came back full force. So this morning Rissa and I went to three different places in town looking for a lab or someone who could help us. We only found one place that was open on a Sunday but they didn't open til 10:00 so we went back home to wait. Meanwhile Wayne and the rest of the children left for church at Ahero where Wayne preached a Communion message. On the way to Ahero they needed to stop at Rabuor to take a church picture for a calendar or something. Thankfully Bishop Thomas had everyone lined up and ready for the pic when Wayne arrived. Around 10 Rissa and I went back to AAR since we REALLY didn't want to have to go to a hospital. We were very happy with the professional care they gave us. They gave Rissa a nice bed to rest on and then gave her IV meds for her fever. She soon started sweating profusely! Blood tests revealed a bacterial infection in her blood and they also treated her for malaria via injection in the muscle, even though the malaria test was negative. Sometimes it will not test positive right after you have been treated. She has a port in her hand and needs to go back tomorrow for more IV antibiotics. There must've been a batch of bad mosquitoes around recently because two of the other youth girls, Kaylita and Julie, have also tested positive for malaria. Your prayers are appreciated! We're very grateful for good healthcare here for the most part. We are suspicious though that Rissa's first malaria meds may have been some of those "fake ones" on the market. We can't prove it but after looking online we found that med has been in question before... I guess God knew I was going to need some "Endurance" which is the title of this blog. I wrote that yesterday before I knew this was going to happen.
God bless all of you for your prayers and support. We continue to wait and pray for news on our replacements, and also for Josephs and James... God knows our needs here and we trust He will provide in His time. Wayne and Clara
Rabuor Church |
A marriage legalization at Kasongo with Bishop Thomas officiating |
Bishop Thomas speaking at Ahero church |
Food line after church |
A LOVELY rainbow over the compound reminding us of God's promises |
Brad and friends creating something |
Baptism at Kajulu... Kay Odipo and Puis Juma |
Communion at Kajulu |
Happy Birthday Shonda! |
Pastor's meeting at Milimani Beach |
Clarissa and Benter with the new sewing machine |
Between Rabuor and Lela |
Bible study at Lela church |
Communion at Ombeyi |
A surprise 50th birthday party for Becky Hostetler... we went to their house banging pots and pans and then invited her and Joseph to join us on the lane for cake and ice cream :) |
Washing dishes and visiting at joint unit meeting in Nakuru |
Tina "reading" to her two little friends :) |
Bible study with Ahero folks at Plista's house |
Pastor's meeting at Jennifer's Gardens |
Rhoda Wengerd with her sister and family who are visiting... Josh and Miriam Swarey |
Washing dishes |
Communion at Ahero |
Ahero Church |
Oversized load?? |
Brian and Rosie Miller family... We're SO glad you're here! |
Praise the Lord! |
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