"Where words fail, music speaks." Hans Christian Andersen
"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
"The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through music." Martin Luther
There are few things that "move me" like beautiful singing does. There is power in lovely 4 part harmony combined with words, that can revive our souls. Probably one of the biggest things that I have missed in our churches here in Kisumu is the lovely singing we were accustomed to at home. There's a group of youth from Faith Mission Home visiting Kisumu right now and their singing has been a real highlight for us! It just makes me cry... This group has special talent and we're so glad they were willing to share with us!
I'm not going to attempt to write everything that's been going on in the last month. I think I will let the pictures give you an idea of what's been happening. The group from FMH that was here visiting left yesterday. Joe and Glenda took them to the Masai Mara to finish out their time in Kenya. Our nephew, Lyndon Stoltzfus, is the one who planned this trip and brought friends with him. Randall Wagler, Eric Bontrager , Hannah Troyer, Melissa Miller, Caitlyn Snyder, Beka Peachey, and Katie Kurtz were the rest who came. They were a real inspiration to us and there was much laughter at times! :) They helped with different projects here around the compound such as mowing lawns, a concrete project at the Dienya church, stripping and waxing floors, etc. etc. Glenda and I will be forever grateful to this diligent group of girls who made our floors shine once again!! On Friday afternoon we had our school picnic and the FMH group was in charge of activities. The first thing they did was a pinata for the children which is always a highlight. There were also relay races, etc. Supper was great with meatballs, mashed potatoes, salad, rolls, and cheesecakes!! The FMHers also shared a pizza supper with American ingredients on Sunday evening!! SOOO yummy! This was served at the farewell for Gerold Millers and Jake Gingerichs. We all met at Josephs carport and enjoyed some special singing and a share time. These farewells are so difficult though! :( Gerold and Becky and son Wayne left Kisumu on Tues. eve and arrived in OH last eve. This is the beginning of many changes for us in the next year. Jake and Jan plan to leave in less than a week. Jake's parents John and Christina Gingerich, and his grandmother, Mary Coblentz, are here visiting for a short time and helping them pack up to go home. James, Christina and Kaylita Barkman, have also gone to America. Christina left a week and a half or so before James and Kaylita did. She was able to get on the same flight that Tommy Wagler's family was on which was a blessing! Her mother was very ill and not expected to live long. After her mother died last Friday James and Kaylita flew out the next day. We're happy that Joseph and Becky are back from furlough or we would feel rather forsaken! There's a lot of work around here, even when the houses are empty because lawns still need to be mowed, plants watered, chickens and dogs fed, houses prepared for the new folks etc. And since Gerold's son, Wayne, has gone there are no young fellows around to do maintenance work around here. Pray for strength for the Pastors who have a LOT on their shoulders right now! God will give strength but I'll admit it all looks big right now!
Wayne and I attended the Ugunja church on Sunday where we had our second to last Communion service this Spring... only Lela to go yet! James and Christina weren't there because of her mother's funeral so it was a small group there that day. Wayne had a meeting with the Brothers afterward. There are so few Brothers there who can lead out and their attendance has been very poor, which they say is mostly due to their jobs and distance from church. We question sometimes if the church there can continue but we trust God to show the way. Our children went with Joe's to Lela that day along with the group of FMHers, except for Beka Peachey who wanted to visit the Dienya church where she attended with her family in her growing up years. Melodie Beiler took her there.
This evening we look forward to seeing Joe and Janell Fisher, his brother Jeremy, and sisters Cynthia and Katie. They plan to stop here for a bit before they head to Uganda for a few days. They plan to return to Kisumu on Friday.
Our puppies are 7 weeks old now and doing well! One died a while back so now out of the 12 we have 10 left. We're all enjoying them a lot although they are quite naughty at times!! Thankfully we have a spacious pen to keep them in.
The first of our replacement families is to arrive in about a week from now. Allen and Rhoda Peachy from the Shade Mountain church in PA plan to come to replace Joe and Glenda at Lela. They will be living in Gerold's vacated house. Gerolds will not be replaced as of now... We are working towards helping the churches at Nyakoko and Oroba transition to indigenous leadership. Joseph plans to rotate between the two churches from now until their departure in December. We trust God to help us through the changes. It's difficult but with God all things are possible.
It's hard to believe that our children are out of school already!! Now we can look forward to furlough next month! Pray that we can keep singing in spite of changes, hard work, and weariness. God bless all of you! Wayne and Clara
Farewell breakfast with Tommy |
Constructing the Ugunja church structure |
Chai Time |
Using the Word of God to build the church! |
Tommy and Marji |
Brunch after chicken butchering. Jakes visitors, Kenzie and Alicia on the left. |
Jorim Atito's burial, Oroba |
Lela people at Jorim's burial |
Jorim's father in law, notice his prosthesis |
Jorim's wife, Coletta (center) |
Jorim's brother Noah |
Communion at Chulaimbo |
Gerold's last Unit Meeting |
Chulaimbo Bible Study at Willice Agalo's |
Dear old Mama's at Lela Widow's Seminar |
Mama Hellena's Burial at Kasongo |
Walking back from Lunch at Joshua's after Kajulu Communion |
The youth girls made supper for the mom's on Mother's Day! Thank you! |
Washing dishes with the FMH group Clarissa, Hannah, Melissa, Caitlin, Shonda. Katie and Bekah |
Lyndon, Randall and Eric with Joe |
Dienya Bible Study |
Concreting at Dienya |
Team work! |
Miss Rhoda and Vanessa wrapping up the year's Bible Memory |
The principal and students at the school picinic |
Shopping at Kibuye Market |
A dredging vessel at the Port of Kisumu. They are preparing to renovate the port. |
Boat Ride! |
Brad and Dr Dishon |
Story book distribution at St Peter's Konim School in ahero |
Lunch at Tobias Ajuma's |
Farewell Gerold! |
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