"If you can't be flexible in life, you become irritable with life."
"Life is like gymnastics. It's better if you're flexible."
"Blessed are the flexible for they shall never be bent out of shape."
Life in Kenya requires a lot of flexibility... especially during Elections! :) So many times we've had plans to do this or that with our native Brothers and Sisters and then had to change plans because of Demonstrations. As most of you know Uhuru was declared winner of the Election. To many of us it seems like it wasn't a free, fair, and credible election but those are things that we let in the hands of God. From news reports it sounds like Raila is NOT going to accept the outcome of the Election and has once again turned things over to the Supreme Court. As for now things are peaceful in town and we are SO grateful!!!!! We don't know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future! We continue to commit our plans to God. Things can change in an instant. God is in control! We are living a day at a time.
On Thursday a week ago our family headed to Nakuru a day before joint Unit meeting to spend some time with Tony's. Joe and Glenda traveled with us as well. Tony's so kindly invited us to come and we were happy for the chance to do something different and get away from the stresses we had been experiencing here in Kisumu. Wayne and Bradlyn and I were privileged to be the first guests to sleep in Tony and Judith's new guest quarters. It's very nice! :) On Friday morning we headed to the AMA compound for a yummy pancake and gravy breakfast. The meeting went well although it was a bit late til we left and it was after dark and raining when we arrived home. That makes for stressful driving! Stacy and her mother, Sharon came back home with us and Joe's. Kore arrived here before we did so we weren't here to cook supper for him. But I think he made out just fine at Big Bites. They have some of the best paneer around!!
On Saturday Joe's and Wayne, Clarissa, and I headed to the morgue in Ahero. Joe and Glenda were also there with a van load of the Lela members. We had to wait a while until Caroline's body was ready to be released. While we waited another dead body arrived on the back of an old, rattly pickup truck. There were a lot of people sitting on the sides of the truck. It was quite a sight to see them carry the body rather haphazardly on a mat. Nothing very gentle about it! After Caroline's body was placed in the casket it was set on the ground where we gathered around to sing a song. It was then hoisted to the top of Joe's van, and then we all headed to Maurice and Caroline's dala. In Ahero on the way to their house we were stuck in some major traffic. There was a lot of noise and commotion. A priest in the Catholic church was murdered and we met the funeral procession going the other way. We made quite a scene as we neared the dala. Ladies on the truck ahead of us started wailing and carrying on. Many people along the way stopped to stare. I have NEVER heard such a weeping and wailing in all my life!! It was obvious that Caroline was MUCH loved! The wailing must've gone on for an hour or so. Some ladies leaned over the casket, waving their hands and talking to the deceased. Caroline's sister and a sister in law (not members of CBF) marched back and forth wailing and crying for so long that I couldn't see how they could endure! I'll admit I had struggles with attitudes. WHERE was everyone when she was so sick and needed help?? But I need to accept the fact that in this culture people get very hyped over a dead body and go all out for the funeral. But... can't we give them the flowers while they live?!! The funeral was planned for Sunday since Joe and Wayne weren't able to do the body transport until Sat. It rained during the night so the grounds were muddy. Poor Glenda had a bit of a trial with the mud and little ones to take care of! Wayne and I made 2 trips to Ahero to pick up members who wanted to come to the funeral. Our children and Rhoda walked a muddy trail to get to the dala. We had some dirty clothes and shoes to wash when we got home! Joe preached a good message and we trust people's hearts were soft and took it seriously. Wayne was in charge at the burial. The Rabuor choir arrived late but in time to sing during the last viewing and offering and also at the graveside. The singing was great and there was not as much wailing that day although some ladies "lost it" during the burial and wailed for a good while inside the house. Dear Caroline!! I miss her but we trust she is in a MUCH better place and I wouldn't wish her back to life here for anything!
On Monday evening we said our goodbyes to Stacy's mom, Sharon, and also Stacy.:( It was hard to see Stacy go! We miss her! The Board gave approval for her to take an early and extended furlough because of her health issues. She plans to be at home for 3 months. After she had sepsis, or whatever it was, she had malaria... at least that's what Dr. Sokwala thinks it was. But now that she's home she still has fevers off and on and just doesn't feel well so we're not sure what's up. Please pray that the Doctors there can find answers for her and that she can feel well soon!! After dropping Sharon and Stacy off at the airport we headed to the Chinese Restaurant for supper. Sharon so kindly gave us money to eat out and what a treat that was!! Rhoda was with us too which we enjoyed a lot! With Stacy being gone Clarissa has added responsibilities such as taking care of the native sewing classes 3 days a week. There are also other jobs such as cleaning the guest houses that will need to be taken care of. I'm not sure if that will be her job as well or not. I think the Pastor's are trying to come up with a plan to help some of these busy moms around here!
The beginning of last week Brian and Mary Jane were happy to host some family visitors from America! Dwayne and Renita Stoltzfus, children of Dave and Leah Ruth, were here as well as 2 of Jonathan and Susan Raber's children. Jacinta and Matthias Byler (Freeman's) also accompanied them. Our children said that late one evening these youth were outside our gate singing Christmas songs! :) Unfortunately Wayne and I were toward the back of the house and didn't hear them.
On Wednesday Wayne and I attended Bible study at Helida's house near Kajulu. We had a van load of people! And we had quite a hike to her house! It's the kind of hike that makes me feel my age! :) There were probably over 20 people there that day and Wayne had a good topic for them. After a snack of chai and mandazis I asked if someone could start walking back to the van with me because it was thundering and I didn't want to be caught in the rain and have to run up those steep hills. Jennifer kindly offered, so we took our time and I made out fine. But we got to the van just in time! It poured on our way home and we went through some deep puddles. The road out to Kajulu is just awful!! That evening we ate our traditional chapatis and beans supper at Joes. Rhoda joined us too.
On Thursday Wayne and Joseph left for Kericho for a CBF Executive Board meeting. They stayed overnight because they also had a joint Pastor's meeting with the Nakuru folks the next day. I was really ready to have Wayne home again! Jake's daughter Hannah was here overnight with us while Wayne was gone. Jake and Jan went to Nairobi to pick up visitors... the Pastor and his wife from their home church. Their names are Eric and Julia Schrock from WI. It was interesting to discover that Julia was from the Bethel church in Belleville, PA. She knew of Wayne's Grandpa, Kore. Small world! Gerold and Becky Miller are also very delighted to host visitors right now! The Lyndon Hershberger family from Brown Co. Ohio are here and from the sounds of things they're having a great time! :) We've all been enjoying Lyndon's sense of humor!
Yesterday morning we had our 5th Communion service of the season, this time at Dienya. Wayne preached a good message and we enjoyed our time there with Brians. Attendance was fair. Brian's family was here for lunch after we got home. I was so relieved that the chicken in the oven was done when we got home because when we left for church the power was off! It's been off a LOT lately... almost every day. In the evening James planned a special 60th Birthday surprise for his dear wife Christina. Becky Hostetler made a lovely cake and we had ice cream, some salties, and a few other things. We really enjoy those times of fellowship with our wonderful compound family and also the visitors!
Thank you for your prayers and your care for us!! We love the little notes that some of you send now and then letting us know that you care! Please pray specifically for health for the missionaries. Brian Mast is the latest victim of malaria. So many from this compound have had it! Blessings to you, Clara
Marlin Yoder frying pancakes |
What's so funny? :) |
Children at unit meeting |
Jake's family singing "We have this moment" with words to fit Kenya |
At the mortuary |
Arrival at the dala |
Maurice grieving for his wife |
Pastor Joe preaching |
Sharon and Stacy at the airport |
Meeting at Kericho |
Feet washing basins at Dienya |
Dixie and Elliot |
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