"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally and without reproach; and it will be given to him." James 1:5
"Not until we have become humble and teachable, standing in awe of God's holiness and sovereignty, acknowledging our own littleness, distrusting our own thoughts, and willing to have our minds turned upside down, can divine wisdom become ours." J.I. Parker
"Don't let circumstances change the way you see Jesus. Let Jesus change the way you see circumstances."
It feels like there are a lot of "heavy" things on our minds right now. So many areas where we need God's wisdom! I've been wondering how a person can ever hold up if they don't have God to turn to. And I'm so glad that when we fail and make foolish decisions God doesn't give up on us right away but He keeps bringing circumstances that give us a chance to grow.
The days are getting warmer. It's starting to feel more like dry season weather, but evenings are still quite cool and occasionally we get a nice rain that really cools things down.
The Pastor's are having a meeting today as usual on Monday's. But they asked Bishop Eric not to come today because of demonstrations in Kisumu again. We heard that they were calling for mass action today. It sounds like things got pretty rowdy out there. The police were using tear gas to break up the crowds. When they ran out of tear gas in Kodele, we heard they had to run for cover because they were being chased. We are SO ready to have this "election business" over with!! Maybe you should help us pray for patience and endurance. :) The election date was pushed off a bit... as far as we know now it is scheduled for Oct. 26.
For those of you who know Dishon from Rabuor... he has finally been accepted at the District hospital in Kisumu to do his Internship. We are so glad for him and we trust he will be a great Doctor some day! :) Recently Clarissa and I went to District (a government hospital) to see if they would allow us to help with a delivery. I've always had interest in nursing and midwifery and Clarissa is sharing my vision. But I had forgotten that the nurses are still on strike so the maternity ward was closed. So I guess we will try later. It didn't seem like it will be a problem for us to be there for a delivery and I'm excited about being able to present the new mother with baby clothes!
My thoughts have been going to Caroline, a dear lady from Lela, who has been battling cancer. At least that's what we're quite sure it is. She has tumors in her uterus and liver and has been suffering quite a bit of pain. Joe and Glenda invited me to go with them recently to visit her and my heart goes out to her so much. She often stands bent over because it's the only position that gives her some relief... even at night. How I wish I could ease her pain but hopefully our visit gave her some encouragement.
Last Sunday we were at Dienya for church while Brian's were at Lela for pulpit exchange. We had a good service and enjoyed connecting with those folks again since we hadn't been with them on a Sunday since before furlough. Our hearts were often with our home church that day since they were having a Deacon ordination. Phineas Kauffman and Bro.in law Mahlon Stoltzfus were in the lot. We relaxed knowing that no matter who was chosen they would do a great job but we would've loved to be there to show our support!! Mahlon was chosen. It's rather special to have close family members take Wayne's place as Deacon but at the same time we know some of the things that face those in ministry and we ache for them a bit too.
Last Tuesday there was a Special Offices seminar scheduled for all the missionary couples as well as all the members in our churches that hold offices such as S.S. teacher, superintendent, usher, song leader, etc. Unfortunately it needed to be postponed because of demonstrations in town that day but now the meeting is scheduled for this week.
Wednesday was our third clothing sale of the season... this time as Kajulu. Things went well for the most part. It's a lot of work but the people always seem to enjoy the day so much and that makes it feel worth it! On the way home we dropped a few people off along the way and we ended up taking Loice to her house. She wanted to show us where she lives in town. I don't know if I will ever get used to some of the housing conditions and things we see here... OHHH we are SO blessed!!
Earl and Edna Peachey are spending a week with the compound here in Kisumu. They were in Nakuru last week. We've been enjoying them very much! Earl has preached two inspiring messages for us so far and we look forward to more special activities yet before they leave. We hosted them at our house for Brunch on Sat. morning along with some other special visitors... Tony's, Joe Fisher and his special friend Janelle Stoltzfus. They arrived on Fri. afternoon and stayed til Sat. We spent time at the lake with them on Friday eve. and then sat on the lane a while to watch the volleyball game. Clarissa made and decorated a Birthday cake for Kaiden's first birthday. On Sat. morning we watched while Kaiden smashed his cake and enjoyed the sweetness! :) Unfortunately Wayne wasn't able to be around a lot of the time that our visitors were here. He needed to do a body transport on Fri. and preach at Elisha's funeral on Sat. Elisha was a member at Rabuor who was hit by a matatu while crossing the highway. Elisha had been sick as a child with some kind of sickness that affected his mind so he was never married.
Yesterday we traveled to Ugunja for a Baptism and Communion service. We rejoiced with the church that 2 new members were baptized; an excommunicated member was restored and a former member came back again after having been gone for a few years. We expected to get home quite late with all that was on the agenda but things were quite timely and we were home by 2:20 or so. James and Christina and Kaylita were here for lunch and they helped with food by bringing salad and dessert. We had only a short time to rest before we headed to Jake and Jan's house. They hosted a unit activity. It was uniquely set up for the couples with a small table in front of our chairs complete with a nice drink and peanuts. Earl preached a good message on "The Vine and Branches." After the service we enjoyed a yummy "haystack" meal and some of Becky H.'s wonderful chocolate and peanut butter pies!!
I look forward to Monday evenings because our girls do the cooking and give me a welcome break! We've enjoyed some wonderful chicken fajita soup and tortillas,etc. And this evening they made chilli paneer and naans. Oh it was yummy!! Blessings to all of you! Clara for the Yoders
Our new skinning rack. Check it out Tommy! |
Jediah Gingerich |
Lookout for this woman!! |
Vanessa's party at school |
Happy Birthday Vanessa! |
Chulaimbo Bible Study |
Big boys play too! |
Interview with Mama Elizabeth |
Blessing, Elizabeth Ajuma and Nellie |
Mishack (his dad Paul Juma has cancer) |
Mama Lillian and Moses |
Protests.. |
What a load!! I think this trailer has 128 wheels! |
Joe and Janell |
What are you doing with my cake?? |
Kaiden Zook |
The Yoders of Kisumu |
Stacy and Rhoda |
Clara, Caroline and Glenda |
Elisha's Burial. Amata and Gerold |
Rabuor choir |
Erecting the new crosswalk in Nyamasaria |
Canaan bound?? |
Ugunja Baptism Charles and Hellen |
Receiving Philista back into the church! |
Rejoicing! |
Sunday evening at Jakes |
Demonstrations today |
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