"The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith." Billy Graham
"We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done." Ps. 78:4
Wayne preached a challenging message this morning at Ahero on passing the faith to our children. How is the church to continue after we are gone if our children don't accept the faith? One of the negative examples given was that of Esau, who foolishly forfeited the rights of a firstborn for a bowl of soup that gave him pleasure and strength for a few fleeting hours. What are we trading our "eternal inheritance for"? We have been troubled since we came by the absence of many children in church services. I recently talked to Charles' wife Pamela, who has 9 children, about their children not coming to church. She said the children don't want to come, but she can try. So I encouraged her to bring them. I was so blessed this morning to see that they brought some of the children with them! Pake Jesu! Please help us pray that there would be a hunger for the Word and that children would grow up to embrace the faith and pass it on!
It's been a good week in Kisumu. It feels like dry season is on the way. It's been extra warm and the grass is starting to get brown again. We enjoyed our visitors so much that it took some time to get back to "normal" again this week. But I think we've adjusted again, and life goes on! Precious memories linger! :)
On Tues. morning Wayne had some business to do at the marriage office. In the afternoon he went to Dienya to do an Instruction class interview with Pastor Mark. The man interviewed was a policeman for 13 years, and then Chief of the area for over 20 years. It's a rather unusual situation... and we're happy that he has a desire for truth. He retired in May and says that for all these years he has worked in the other kingdom and now he wants to work in the Kingdom of God!
On Wed. we went to Ahero for Bible study at Johannes house. There was a good turn out and we enjoyed our time very much! Once during the Bible study a drunk man staggered in and starting addressing his "fellow colleagues". It caused some snickering and then one of the men led him outside. We were served rice and beans which was nice but I didn't want to eat too much because I wanted to save room for the chapatis and beans that we were looking forward to after we got home. Joe's and Stacy enjoyed the evening meal with us.
On Thursday Wayne was busy with more visiting. One of the visits was with Esther from Lela. Joe and Wayne were together there and discussed her drinking problem with her. She denied that she has been giving in to the temptation recently, but according to the testimony of others she has not been free. So sad! On the brighter side... in the afternoon Wayne and Tobias met with Monica from Ahero who had been excommunicated a few years ago for living with an Inheritor, but has turned from her sin and was able to be reaccepted into membership this morning.
On Friday our children went with us to Paul and Jane's house in Ahero. There is no school right now because some of our teachers are at CBYC (Christian Believer's Youth Conference) in Nakuru for 10 days. We were glad our children could go with us to deliver a baby bundle! Jane is part of IC at Ahero but is rarely able to come to church because of health issues. She gave birth to a baby boy around 2 wks. ago and his name is Marlin Shadrack!! :) Before going to Paul's house we stopped at Tobias' and Elizabeth's because Elizabeth hadn't seen the baby yet and wanted to go with us. When we arrived at Paul's no one was home! After a bit some children came around and told us that they went to Nyangoma hospital... close to Awasi. So we decided to see if we could find them there. Sure enough! We didn't have to look too hard until we saw Jane with the baby. She was so happy to see us... I think she almost cried when she gave me a big hug. We had a nice little visit and enjoyed cuddling her cute little boy. It's so much fun to give these baby bundles! Especially when we know the clothes and things came from our home church, and my girls and I had the fun of putting the bundles together. We waited a bit until Paul and Jane were ready to go and then we gave them a lift back to their house which they appreciated very much! From there we went to the Ahero church where Tony and Kore were doing a CAM project. Judith and the children were there too and needed a ride to the compound. Tony's and Kore stayed for the night and returned to Nakuru Sat. afternoon. We enjoyed their short visit and the girls loved having a chance to spoil little Kaiden. :) Jamie and Bradlyn have SO much fun together and it seems they play hard from morning until night! Ayla and Tiffany get along well and had a great time!
Yesterday afternoon Wayne went to a funeral in the Nyakoko area (James Anda died). Wayne was asked to do the committal, since Bishop Joseph was unable to attend because of some back trouble. There was a little bit of drama when the politicians wiggled their way in to speak at the end of the service and their tenure was cut short by a few church brothers! At the graveside there was a bit more when the coffin needed to be taken back out because the grave was a little too short. Our dear brothers and sisters take these things in stride and don't get as worked up over some of these things as we Americans might. This morning after our service at Ahero, Wayne needed to stop in at Lela where a members meeting was being held. A few issues had come up that Joe felt he needed help with. Sadly, Kevin's membership, was terminated, and two other members, Wellington and Esther, were put on proving. There is a bright spot. Noah and Evelyn are desiring to come back to the church again after having been gone for about a year. They were much loved and the church will be glad to have them back. They left in good standing with the church and only because they live far from the church and did not have a good way to attend. Noah has a piki piki now so attendance looks more possible. The children and I didn't stay for the meeting. Glenda and her little one's caught a ride home with us as well.
The children are enjoying this break from school! Wayne has been put on the CBYC board so he is expected to be there part of the time... so we plan to leave for Nakuru on Wed. and stay until Sun. I'm so glad we can take our children with us! Blessings on your week! Clara for the Yoders
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Why does this slogan sound familiar???😊 |
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Singing at the graveside (James Anda Burial) Photo credit:Joe Yoder (next photo as well) |
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Pole', the hole was too short.. |
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Life..........and Death.... |
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What's funny Elliot?? |
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Visiting Paul and Jane and little Marlin |
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Marlin Shadrack Juma |
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Jane, Clara and baby Marlin |
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Maternity center at Nyangoma Hospital |
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