"Many are the places of worship, but few indeed are those who worship in Spirit and in Truth."
"To worship God in truth is to recognize Him for being who He is, and to recognize ourselves for who we are." Brother Lawrence
"Worship: Where God isn't moved by the quality of our voice but by the condition of our hearts." Chris Tomlin
I've been thinking recently about true worship... probably because Wayne has had several messages on the subject recently. Here in Kenya we see (and hear!) many people who are very fervent about worshiping in Spirit, but we have to wonder are they worshiping in Truth? And are we? Truth requires obedience and that's what so many people don't want. Self dies too hard. Lord help us to be true worshipers!!
It's hot and feels bone dry here in Kisumu! We have to water the plants we want to keep alive. Thankfully most of our churches are living in areas that have received more rain than Kisumu. Thank God! I'd rather that we are the ones to suffer from drought than those who are depending on the rains to put food on their tables. There are some though who will be suffering!
Wed. a week ago found our family heading to Nakuru for the annual CBYC (Christian Believers Youth Conference) that was held at the new, still unfinished, Lamp and Light building. There were around 48 youth in attendance there, including the missionary youth. Wayne was asked to replace Mark Beachy on the Board, so his presence was needed there so he knows a bit of what goes on before he is partly responsible next year. We spent our nights at the empty house in the AMA compound. It was wonderful to have a place to ourselves and to have Tony's within walking distance. We were so blessed with what we saw and heard at CBYC! For the most part the youth were respectful and they definitely heard some good solid teaching! The highlight for us as a family was the singing!!! Mark is an excellent chorus director and his enthusiasm for singing was contagious. We were privileged to hear their program on Sat. eve and also Sun. morning. We enjoyed spending time with the Nakuru folks. There were quite a few natives there who knew Mahlon and Ruth well so we were privileged to meet them. I enjoyed spending some time with the cooks as they made huge amounts of food over fires. I was impressed with the willingness of the Mzungu youth to live
differently then they are accustomed to for 10 days... showers from buckets or basins, hand-washing clothes, not so nice cho's, and only Kenyan food. Bradlyn got SO dirty there because the huge piles of sand/dirt were great entertainment for him! It was a bit chilly there some days and we were glad for sweaters and jackets! My girls and I spent a day at Judith's house baking Christmas cookies. It was a nice feeling to come home with plenty to put in the freezer and also have some to share. I also got a dress sewed for Vanessa while in Nakuru! Clarissa was impressed with what she saw at CBYC and looks forward to being a student next year. The conference lasted for 10 days but we were only there from Wed. through Sunday.
Monday morning after we came home from Nakuru we Kisumu ladies left at 8:30 to go to Luanda to do some fabric shopping. The main purpose was to restock some fabric for the clothing room. That market is one of the "craziest" that I have ever been to! People everywhere! And carts being pushed roughly down narrow aisles. If you don't get out of the way FAST you will likely be hit from behind. Sometimes I fell onto the pile of fabric or had to step right on it. We got weary of digging through the chaotic mess of fabric all jumbled together. But the cheap prices seem to make it worth it and we made memories too! :) After leaving there we headed to Mary Ellen's house to spend some time with her and have a tea party before they leave for home this week. The food was great! So many pretty and yummy things to eat but we're sad to see Mary Ellen go. She has been a blessing to me in many ways and I would describe her as an encourager. Although we will miss them I'm happy for them that they can go home and be reunited with the rest of their family across the big waters. We had a farewell for them here at the compound on Fri. eve. There was a volleyball game for the youth and we also had a time of sharing and then some wonderful homemade ice cream and toppings! We've been enjoying Stacy Byler's family who is here from Seymour, Missouri. Their 3 extra youth helped add some spice to the volleyball games. I should have mentioned that on Fri. afternoon Wayne went to Chulaimbo where he was asked to preach at their Revival service. JoeAllen went with him to show his support.
On Wed. Wayne and I headed to the Kajulu area for Bible study at Zitune's house. The house was situated in a pretty area close to the foot of the famous Monkey stone. We had nyoyo and chapatis for a snack. Later that eve. we were invited to Joe's for chapatis and beans since Glenda wanted to do something for my Birthday coming up the next day.
My Birthday is a day that I won't forget right away! Wayne and l left around 7:00 that morning to head to Longisa (beyond Bomet) which is not real far from Tenwek hospital and also along the way to the Mara. There was a huge youth conference held there at a Boy's school... between 7 and 800 youth! Wayne was asked to preach and we took 800 Bibles with us to pass out! We were welcomed royally... in fact I almost cringed with the "overboard" treatment of the Mzungu. We were ushered right up onto a high stage where a group of Pastor's was sitting with suitcoats on... in spite of the heat! They whistled, clapped, and cheered for us! It was intimidating for me to sit there facing a sea of black faces!! But I soon relaxed and Wayne preached a good message on "The Truth About Victory." They spent a fair amount of time singing... and that's putting it mildly!! It was more like screaming, hollering, whistling, DANCING, and oh the racket!!! I have never seen or heard anything like it! Imagine a sea of people all swaying and dancing! Amazing! The music was SO FRIGHTFUL loud that I feared for our ear drums, but didn't have the heart to close my ears for fear of offending them. They were definitely in a spirit of worship but I hope there was TRUTH there too! It was an an amazing experience to be sure! :) And then of all things... they said they wanted to hear the voice of the wife of Wayne! So I had to say a few words in front of all those people! Thankfully I had thought of the possibility of that happening so I had prepared a bit! :) We were served our lunch of rice and beef in a building with the rest of the Pastor's and guest speakers. They were all so thankful that we came and I sincerely hope that they will all read their Bibles and allow it to change their lives!
There has been some excitement in Kisumu this past week with the opening of a brand new American restaurant!! A real KFC!!! We didn't know a thing about it until it had opened! We ate there last evening for my belated Birthday supper! It was WONDERFUL!! :) The food was great and the breeze outside was so nice and pleasant! And there wasn't loud, obnoxious music blaring like there often is in this town. Sometimes I just long for blessed quietness.
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Christian Believers Youth Conference (Class time) |
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Clarissa and June Osur |
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June and Vanessa |
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CBYC Tech Center!😊 |
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Food Line in front of the Kitchen |
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Main Building (Conference Center and new Lamp and Light Headquarters) |
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Group discussion after class |
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Abbie Yoder (Marlin's) |
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What fun!! Plenty of dirt around. |
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Clara talking with the cooks. |
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Test day! |
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Hi Stacy! |
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Lydia Mboya with Clara |
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In Kisumu!!! |
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Unloading Bibles at Longisa PAG Youth Conference |
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Accident on the way to Chulaimbo |
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Jake Gingerich and Stephen (CBF Chulaimbo) |
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A conked out Gingerich! |
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CBF Chulaimbo |
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Another accident the same evening! |
Nakumatt Show! |