"Simply believing in the existence of God is not exactly what I would call a commitment. After all, even the devil believes that God exists. Believing has to change the way we live. " Unknown
"If we have no destination in mind, there is no journey." Dan Millman
"We will never change the world by going to Church. We will only change the world by being the Church."
We were privileged to attend our "home church" at Lela this morning. Two ladies were baptized, Lena and Alice. It was a real blessing to see how happy they were to be a part of the church and to see the big welcome the other members gave them. I was challenged by the last question Wayne asked them before they were baptized.... "Do you promise by the Grace of God and the aid of the Holy Spirit to submit yourself to Christ and His Word, and faithfully to abide in the same UNTIL DEATH?" I wonder how often those of us who have been baptized think about that promise we made before God and witnesses. It was a beautiful service and I sincerely hope that these dear ladies will truly be faithful to death. Its the only thing that matters in life.
Its been a good, but busy week for us. Monday morning after getting Pastor's drinks ready for their meeting, I went with Stacy and Becky to the Kibuye market to get some things that were needed for the clothing room. That's an interesting place!! There is so much to see and so many amazing sights... I could just stare! But the sad thing is that you hardly have time to look up when you're walking because you have to watch EVERY step! There is so much mud and garbage around! But they have lots of nice things to sell and many eager vendors that would love to sell to the mzungus! Later that afternoon we school moms and teachers got together at the school room to clean. To say that the place was dirty is a major understatement!!! I'm sure the ladies at home would be appalled!!:) Living beside a dirt road and having windows that don't close completely lends to layers of dust on EVERYTHING! We felt great relief and satisfaction when we left the place looking much better.
On Tues. morning Wayne took the piki to Kajulu area to have a meeting with the Pastors there. In the afternoon he had a real workout... He went to Ahero to assist a widow with harvesting her maize and hauling it to her dala. She was VERY thankful for his help! Wayne isn't used to hard work like that in the hot sun but he thought it was good for him. That eve. we were privileged to go to Gerold's house for a wonderful meal! I love eating other people's cooking! :) The fellowship was great too! We're SO glad God called them to Kenya!!
Wednesday afternoon Wayne and I headed to Dienya to spend time with Mark and Mary Ellen and the Church there. Bible study was held at Nick and Lillian's house. It was the first time since the serious issue the church had there that Bible study was at their house. We sincerely hope that fruits of repentance are genuine in that home. Only God knows the heart. They gave us a nice welcome and Lillian blessed me with leftover mandazis and a new lesso before we left. I think Lillian's mandazis were some of the best I ever had! I was amazed at their nice house and furnishings. Mark is a gifted teacher and the Bible study was very interesting in spite of me feeling terribly sleepy that
Thursday eve. we hosted Prayer meeting at our house so the girls and I tried to have our house cleaned up for that. Wayne spent the afternoon visiting members in Ahero again that day. At the home of Widow Mary, he was given a basket of freshly harvested maize. I'm sure she could have used it herself. God loveth a cheerful giver! What a challenge to give out of need.
Wayne enjoyed spending time with Maurice from Lela, on Friday. He got him started selling MZL books at the Ahero market. They had a profitable day and Maurice should have made a nice profit that day for which we were very thankful!! They desperately need the income. Clarissa and I helped clean Deans house that morning in preparation for their return from America!! We're so excited about having them back!!! We only wish we wouldn't have to think about their termination coming up in May. :(
It seems there are so many funerals that Wayne needs to take care of lately. On Sat. there was one in Ugunja that the CBF church was asked to take care of. The deceased was an old lady, almost 100 years old. Wayne needed to preach because Deans were not home yet. Mark Beachy was there to moderate the service and keep things on schedule, and that meant a lot to Wayne! JoeAllen also went with Wayne to show his support. That eve. we found out of another funeral coming up at Rabour. Penina Ouma passed away so I guess that will mean another burial for Wayne. We hope that all these deaths will speak to people about the seriousness of life and how we live affects our destiny. I should have mentioned Kore Beachy was here Fri. night after a busy day doing CAM work. Wayne grilled some chicken for us and it went well with potatoes and salad. Stacy was blessed with some very special visitors yesterday and its bringing a big smile to her face! Her sister Amy and cousin Andrea are here and I'm sure they will have some great times together! They brought us some wonderful American goodies! Oh that cheese is SO good!! And the chocolate... :)
As was mentioned we attended Lela this morning and it was great to connect with those dear folks again. There's a nice young orphan girl that attends Lela that brought a chicken along to church this morning as a gift for Pasta Joe. He was busy so Wayne tied the chicken to a bush with a rubber strap. Before too long we noticed the chicken loose and running around. While Wayne was preaching Glenda was in the back and fearing that their gift chicken would get away, told Bradlyn that he should keep an eye on it. Well... boy that he is he tried in vain to catch it, running it up the side of the open church house! Wayne stopped preaching and so great was Bradlyn's concentration on catching the chicken that he had to say his name about 4 or 5 times before he was able to get Bradlyn's attention and postpone the chicken chase. :) After church a few of the little boys ganged up on the chicken and after a brief chase it was captured. It had been a LONG time since we were at Lela and people teased us about being "lost". :) Carolyn is doing a great job starting a ladies choir at the church there. We hope it will be a blessing and strength to the Church. Joe and Glenda and their little ones seem to be loved and well accepted there and are doing a great job!! Blessings on your week!! Clara
Charles Ochieng |
John Omondi |
My cob of many colors! |
The faithful "Crusher" |
Dienya Bible Study at Nick and Lillian's |
Elizabeth Ajuma and my little friend Nellie |
The Chai and bread, Widow Mary provided |
Widow Mary cleaning the maize she gave me |
Look at the chickens.. (where's the humane society) |
If you can tie it on, it fits!!! This on the tailgate of a small box truck! |
Maurice Kitayi selling MZL books |
Notice the sticker, I'm not driving fast, I'm flying low!! |
Mama Julia's funeral at Ugunja. Fred Obiero's Grandmother |
I was so grateful for Pasta' Mark that day! |
Fred Obiero |
Playing marbles before church |
Glenda and her chicken! |
Pasta' and Peter |
Alice Aoko, (left) and Lina Aduda |
Lela Choir |
I like you!! |
Goin home from church! |
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