"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think..." Eph. 3:30
"Now is the time to know that God is able. To connect your current reality with God's present ability." Priscilla Shirir
"The one who made us knows how to mend us... you couldn't be in better hands!" Kaylene gave us a card with this writing on it. Thanks Kaylene!
I've been reminded again this past week that "Where God guides, He provides!" We've seen this in the life of Joe and Glenda. Coming to Kenya was not an easy decision for them, partly because of knowing a baby is on the way... and wondering how it would be to give birth in a setting like this. But they followed God's call and trusted Him to provide. We don't know why there were complications and why things couldn't have been normal... but in spite of all that God moved in wonderful ways and took great care of them! We praise Him for the safe arrival of dear little Elliot Layne! Glenda and Elliot are both recovering and doing well. Joes are blessed with a content baby that just eats and sleeps and brings them much joy! If you want to read more of their story and see pictures, check out their blog... joeskenyanjourney.blogspot.com. My life has been pretty much wrapped up in helping to care for their little family. My girls have been doing a lot of the work. I just try to make sure it happens. :) We can't tell you what a relief and blessing it is to be on this side of the birth!! By the way... After being in the theatre (operating room) last Monday when we were waiting for the baby to be born, I thought about the fact that I was in that exact spot back in Dec. when they did surgery on my toe. If someone would've told me that in 7 months my SISTER would be in that very room delivering a baby, I would've been "floored!!" I wouldn't have believed it!!!! :) God springs some great surprises sometimes!
Last Sunday Wayne, our children, and Tiffany attended the Kajulu church. Afterward they were invited to Joshua and Millicent's house for lunch. I would've enjoyed being there but I stayed at the hospital with Glenda while Joe went to Lela to preach. I was very glad for the opportunity to be with her! That eve. we all went to visit Joe's and give Tiffany an opportunity to be with her mom and dad. While I was sitting outside waiting for the rest of the family to come out, I met an attractive young lady who told me that her brother is in ICU with a severe case of pneumonia. She was very concerned about him... she said he's the only brother she has in this universe and she loves him so much. I told her Glenda's story as well, and we had a nice visit. When Wayne came out, he joined us and we prayed for her brother. The next day Wayne met her again and she was almost in tears because her brother was no better, and things didn't look well at all. Wayne prayed with her again, and unfortunately that was the last we saw of her. I wonder so much what happened....
I think most of you got the e-mail I wrote about the birth on Monday. So I won't go over those details again. We will try to post it on the blog as well, for those who aren't on the email list. On Tues. after Elliot's birth and when I finally felt confident that things would be ok with Glenda and the baby, we left for Nakuru to spend some time with Tony's and also to bring home the SMBI W.A.T.E.R. girls who needed a ride to Kisumu. Tiffany went with us and did very well. Her and Ayla had a good time together! After a delicious lunch prepared by Judith, we went over to the new CAM offices and watched the men help Tony move his office things. It was very interesting to see where they will be set up. There are a bunch of greenhouses close to the warehouse where they raise roses and sell them to different countries around the world, including the U.S.! There is a place in the back where they dump roses they don't want to ship, so the children had fun picking some of the nicest ones, and we took them home to give to Joes. Wow! Imagine having free roses in your house whenever you want them! :) That eve. Tony's, Kore Beachy, and us were invited to Luke and Jamila's house for supper. We really enjoyed seeing their unique property and the meal was delicious! We enjoy the opportunity to be with the CAM staff whenever possible. Wed. morning we went to the AMA compound to pick up the 3 W.A.T.E.R. girls. We didn't know any of them... they're all from PA. But we were able to make connections with most of them. The one girl is from the East District church in PA that we're familiar with, and another one lives in Mifflintown, next to Wayne's cousin Tina! Small world! On the way home we stopped at the Ahero market for a quick lunch of chips (fries), beans, and chapatis. From there the girls went with Gerold's family to Bible study in the Nyakoko area. They have definitely been experiencing African culture! :) We were thankful for a safe trip. This is Sunday morning and I should be in church but it seems I've been hit with stomach issues lately. I was so blessed ever since we arrived in Kenya. I wasn't really sick anytime until several weeks ago I was hit with a flu bug, and now I'm having some trouble again. :( Don't know what's up... but God is able!! Wayne went to church at Ugunja to cover for Dean and Barbara Jean who are currently on furlough. Clarissa and Shonda went to church at Lela with Joe to help care for Tiffany. There's much more that could be said but I think this will suffice for this time. Thanks to all of you who have prayed!! Remember this week... that God is able to help in whatever situation we find ourselves in. His power is never limited! Pake Jesu!! Clara
12 Disciples??? (Clarissa took these pictures on an early morning boat ride) |
Children, have ye any meat.....? |
Mama Silpa (Ahero) makes charcoal briquettes with charcoal dust and cow dung!! A little country flavor... |
Baby Chicks!! What fun!! |
Introducing Jediah to a chick..Oh no!! don't eat it yet!! |
Brad and Tiffany hiking to Joshua's house |
Termite mound in an old house |
The damage done... (It's a pretty good type of what "tolerated, little" sins can do to a life) |
Happy Papa!! |
Proud sister!! |
Pleased Cousins! |
Kore in his new office at CAM Kenya |
Setting up Tony's office |
Luke an Jamila |
Lunch in Ahero with our visitors |
Does Mamma know this??? |
Home!! |
Bible study in Ugunja |
Where's my cycle key?? |
The Happy Family |
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