I thought this describes me pretty well. I really resisted the change when we moved to Africa and now since we're here I find myself wanting to hold on to how things are now. I realize that in many of the changes that have taken place in our lives, we have gained much... but it seems there is still something about the unknown that makes me want to stay right where I am. Sigh... Life continues to be a journey, and the sooner I can give up my will for God's the better off I am. I seem to be a hard learner...
We are experiencing peaceful nights and every morning when we wake up and the night has been calm, with no robbers, I praise God!! I sleep very soundly but sometimes when I do wake up I find myself straining to hear any noises and I have a bit of fear about walking through the house at night... just in case someone is in here. But God has been good in granting peace and rest. On the Mon. night before the break-in at Josephs one of the ladies from Stacy Byler's church in Seymour, MO, had a dream that the compound here in Kisumu was surrounded by danger. Of course prayers were offered for us. Then on Thurs. of that week it was very much impressed on this girl again that there is danger here. So many prayers went up on our behalf. On Fri. night was the break-in and then she knew what the dream was all about. What a blessing to know that God's angels are at work here in Kenya! And many thanks to all of you who pray for us!! God is using you in mighty ways!
Monday was Pastor's meeting as usual and I spent some time helping Becky clean the guest house and wash sheets in preparation for Joe Kuepfers who slept there that night and then on Tues. Judith, Ayla, and Marty came and stayed til Fri. morning.
Tues. was a rather hard day for Wayne and I. We went to church to have a meeting with 2 of our members who are not getting along well. We have been trying to help bring peace between them and its quite the journey! Bishop Eric was with us too and we felt like some progress has been made but there is still a long ways to go. So many cultural things play into situations like this. We Mzungu's can't see into things like we wish we could because we don't have the mind of a Luo! We need the wisdom of Solomon!
Tues. was the day that Marlin Stoltzfus's moved from their home of 4 and a half years into Tony's vacated house. So thus begins a big changeover here in the compound. Gerold Millers plan to arrive in less than 2 weeks and will move into Marlin's house. I'm so glad we don't have to say good-bye to Marlin's yet!! They plan to leave the beginning of June. On Tues. eve. the youth in the compound served all the couples from here a very yummy supper! The table was decorated nicely and they served us in style! We were all supposed to tell our "love story" that eve. and that was SO interesting!! :) I felt like I learned to know everyone in a different way. I won't forget Jake and Janice's story right away! Jake said they were engaged in a tree stand. And Jan says she had no choice! Jake had a gun and they were up a tree!! :) That brought lots of laughter of course!
Wednesday was a fulfilling day for Wayne and I. One of our members, Caroline, was in the Russia hospital where she had surgery to remove a tumor. We went to visit her there and had intentions of taking her home. But when we got there we found out that they would not release her because she had lost a LOT of blood during surgery. The hospital said they had no blood for her. She had been unconscious for a while and her husband, Maurice, was afraid she had died. I felt so sorry for her there in the hospital. I sat on the bed with her for a while and just watched all the "goings on." I was horrified by the smell in that place! That hospital is decrepit to say the least and I felt SO dirty by the time I got out of there! The nurses don't seem to care for the patients... in fact I didn't even see many nurses. The patients kind of seem to be on their own. When Wayne found out that Caroline needed blood he offered to donate for her. So we went to the donation building but when they found out that we both had hepatitis injections within the last 6 months we were rejected. Wayne asked them what can be done for Caroline. So the lady prepared a paper that gave Caroline the right to receive blood from a blood drive that was happening that day. As it turned out Caroline never did get that blood... hard telling why... but God healed her blood, I guess, because her levels soon came up enough that she was able to go home. Wayne's offer to give blood meant a lot to the couple!! After leaving the hospital we went to Lela for Bible study at the church. We had a blessed time together and after the meeting I had the privilege of helping Alice and Lena, 2 members in Instruction class, pick out some new dresses and veils. The church ladies were all around them helping them try on dresses. They were in a festive mood and called the ladies in their new outfits, "smart." :)
On Thursday Wayne and the school children and teachers from here, as well as Judith and Ayla, went to a school with 400 or more students to distribute Bible story books, sing, and act out the Good
Samaritan story. I think they had a profitable day and enjoyed themselves. They all ate at a "hotel" (place to eat, in Kenya) for lunch which was a nice diversion for them. 22 people ate all they needed with some leftovers for under 20.00! (including drinks) Prayer meeting that eve. was at Deans house and it felt good to be outside under the tent to catch the eve. breeze. The heat has been overwhelming this week and feels like a test of endurance!!
Bradlyn was sick all day Friday. :( A bad stomach bug of some kind I guess. He was some better the next day and he loved it when Wayne gave him a ride on the piki. Wayne went to Nakumatt on the piki for the first time since he has his license now. His wife was not too sure about it and was at home praying!! Later after he came home safe and sound I actually got on the bike with him for a ride around our lawn. Its a bit scary for someone like me and I can't imagine riding in this crazy traffic around here!! You want to be ready to die at any moment!!! It seems my husband only has one speed when he's driving van or piki... I'll let you figure out what that is. :) (I need to add a disclaimer, I'm still pretty cautious on the motorcycle. wy

The message this morning was titled, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." It was a timely message and something we all need to be reminded of. Carolyn and Marty joined us for lunch. We need to say good-bye to Marty tomorrow and then our visitors will all be gone for a while... until John Beilers come!!!
You will notice that there are pictures included this time. Praise the Lord the camera is working on the phone that was "baptized" in the washer. The phone works well enough to get by but is very unhandy and has some real issues. We are feeling VERY indebted to a friend of ours from America who heard about the phone and offered to replace it with an even better one for us!! May God bless him abundantly! We're undeserving! Thank you for your prayers! Please continue... we have hard decisions to make at times and need wisdom from above! Clara
Couples Banquet Table |
Lena and Alice |
Nyangoto Primary School |
Where's Brad? |
Lunch Time!! |
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