"Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything."
The beginning of the week was exciting for our family! We received visitors from HOME SWEET HOME! :) Kath Yoder and Lynita Beiler have been a real blessing to us and we have enjoyed them so much. We don't get to see them all the time since they have their own house to stay in... with Miss Jess and April. From the sounds of things, they have been having some great girls parties and making memories! They arrived on Tuesday afternoon and we welcomed them to our house for supper that eve. along with Stacy, Charity, and Carolyn. We don't know how to thank all of you who sent us goodies, notes, cards, and money! It felt like Christmas and we were overwhelmed! We must have the best Church family in the world! May God bless you for sharing. I don't know how we can ever repay you!
Wayne was in Kericho for meetings on Monday and Tuesday. Its about an hour and a half to drive and I was glad they were able to come home for the night between the two meetings. Mon. was joint pastor's meeting with Nakuru and Tues. was a meeting with Agape. Wayne really enjoys the interaction with fellow missionaries. They have some great times!
On Wed. we took our visitors with us to Janet's house for Bible study. We were surrounded by children as usual when we parked our van. This time we took biscuits (cookies) along to pass out, much to their delight. Our visitors sat outside the house during the Bible study since their was not room for nearly everyone inside. And its much more pleasant to be outside in the breeze! We were served mandazis and chai afterward. The church folks were very happy to have visitors from America join us. Janet felt like it brought a blessing to her house. Before we left some of the ladies sang a traditional song for us... clapping all the while. :) On the way home we stopped to pick us some chapatis and then ate beans and fresh salsa with it. A favorite!!
Thursday we allowed our girls to skip school and join us for the day at Jennifer's Gardens. It was a beautiful day even thought it rained just a bit a few times. Wayne grilled chicken for us and I took a pot of rice. Jess, April, and the rest provided veggies and dip, slush and cookies! The food and fellowship was great! We got to see monkeys! They may have been colobus? They are black and white with LONG tails, almost as long as a cows tail with a thick white, bushy plume on the end. VERY unique!! We enjoyed a few games... corn hole, and bocce ball. That place is SO relaxing and quiet! I told Wayne that the silence almost hurt my ears. It was wonderful after living in the city and hearing so much noise all the time. Thurs. eve. we were invited to Tommy's carport for prayer meeting. We enjoyed the singing is spite of those who were missing and couldn't help us with volume.
Friday was spent cleaning, washing, and ironing. Wayne went to the funeral of a friend whose mother passed away. (Matthews Mbuya's mother) It was a Catholic funeral and quite unique. They usually give a time for family members, friends, and pastors to share. Its also normal for local politicians to air their political views. One of the sons at this funeral stood up and said that if the politicians want to talk they have to kill their moms first. There was a man there who was boasting that he has 9 wives, and was picking on another man he knew who only had one! So sad! They had photographers there taking pictures of people. An ice cream stand was set up as well. The preacher had a very good message except for the fact that he said we get to Heaven by good works. The Catholic choir did a wonderful job of singing. From what we hear these people will "run themselves into the poor house" to do funerals. They go all out and spare nothing. A big meal was served as well.
In the eve. we took our visitors along with us to the Food court overlooking Kisumu town and the lake. We were able to watch the sunset from there and I'm always intrigued by all the sights on the streets as well. I love that place because you get menus from a number of different restaurants... such as Asian, Italian, Kisumu Fried chicken (KFC) :), and more. You can choose from all those restaurants as a bunch of anxious waiters are at your elbow hoping you will choose their food! A brand new grocery store is in the lower level of the same building so I did some shopping there after our meal.
Saturday eve. we were invited over to our visitors house and they served us some wonderful, yummy pizza!! The best we have had since we're here! They brought ham and sausage from America!! We also had chips, soda, and a wonderful cinnamon pudding dessert that Kath made for us! It was a such a treat!!! I should have mentioned that our girls were invited to go swimming with our visitors that morning, much to their delight. Poor Bradlyn was a bit sad that he couldn't go too so Wayne took him and neighbor Logan Wagler to play on some bumper cars close to Nakumatt. Bradlyn was delighted to tell his sisters what fun he had while they were gone. :)
We had a nice service this morning. Our members were more punctual than usual and I think we were dismissed in record time. Wayne preached a practical message from Matthew 5 again.... "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." My heart went out to Lena this morning. She told Wayne that they have no food in the house. I don't know if they actually have NOTHING and if they didn't have breakfast before they came or not but IMAGINE! We have no idea what that would be like! I gave her some biscuits to eat on the way home so she would have strength for the long walk. I think the needs committee will do what they can for her but its hard to see all the difficult things these dear people suffer from. One of the old widows wanted something for a painful lump on her arm this morning. I looked at it but didn't know what to do. I don't think its a boil because there was no opening. I really think its a tumor of some kind. Oh I just wish there would be more I could do to ease the pain and suffering... Please help us pray and ask God to give us wisdom in knowing how to meet the needs!
Thanks again for blessing us so richly with your kind gifts! God bless your week! Clara for the Yoders
Pics by Wayne
Thanks for the wonderful goodies!! |
Hungry for Seed of Truth! |
Mzungu girls at Janets house for Bible Study (Inside was full) |
Chai and chat after Bible Study (Janet in the center) |
Greeting "Pasta" after church |
Chai at Joint Pastors Meeting |
Chai at Agape Meeting (Same place a day later) |
New Comforts on guest house bunks! Thank you Light of Hope ladies!! |
The old "comforts" and MY "comfort" :) |
"Hope" at Bible Study |
Nessa, Janet and Brad |
Jennifers Gardens |
Corn hole at Jennifers |
Fishing out a Bocce' ball |
Feast at the Funeral |
Part of the Funeral spread |
One of the sons speaking |
Bishop Marlin Yoder sharing a "Word" |
Ice cream vendor at the funeral |
"Special delivery" to the priest |
Choir leading the procession to move the body for the service |
"Luo Funeral Sermon" |
School children on their way home |
Bishop and Jake working on the "new van" |
Visitors and great food! |
Sunset from the "food court" |
Food Court at Tuff Foam Mall |
Tuk tuk "usie" |
Logan and Brad in the bumper car |
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