"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it." George Moore
"The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes a home happy and life lovely."
Louisa May Alcott
"Life takes you to unexpected places, LOVE brings you home.
We still call America "home" but when we're there on furlough, we call Kenya "home". So where is it? I've told many people that I feel like my heart is in two places. They say "Home is where the heart is". So I guess we have two homes... or is it three? Wayne has often reminded his audience when he's preaching that, "We're not home yet!" We're striving to reach our eternal Home someday! Home has a powerful drawing effect. There's no place I'd rather be!!
Many thanks to all our dear friends, family, and supporters, who blessed us so richly while we were home on furlough! We had a wonderful time, not always restful because of "running" here and there, but it was a change in routine and so wonderful to see everyone again! My parents, Dad and Mom Bender, recently finished their basement because they wanted to move downstairs and allow us to use the main part of the house while we're home. Bless their hearts!! We felt so spoiled! It was wonderful to be there and we appreciate their sacrifice for us!
The first weekend we were home we had the privilege of attending the wedding of Wayne's niece, Carmen Gingerich, who married Matthias Peachey (son of Ivan Peacheys, former Kenyans :) The wedding was very nice and we were thrilled to be able to be there! It was amazing for me to see Wayne in a suit coat while preaching the wedding message! :) It's always a big adjustment to go back and get all dressed up for church! Bradlyn had a hard time appreciating his Sunday shoes! Wayne was a bit intimidated preaching in front of so many people in a setting like that. He feels much more comfortable with our national brothers and sisters here. But God gave strength, and we were delighted to see so many of our Kenya friends there as well! Wayne's message was titled, "Lessons from a cup of chai".
We spent a few days in PA with Wayne's parents and his brother Tim and Ruth's family. We were glad to connect with Kore, Wayne's cousin who served here in Kenya with us for a while, and his parents, Perry and Judy Beachy. Kore treated us to some ice cream at the famous Amy's in Mifflinburg. We also enjoyed seeing some of my Bender relatives and tasting some of Aunt Annie's "out of this world" moon pies!! We always love spending time at Keystone Housewares, the store that Dad Yoder and Tim own together.
Our children were happy to get in on a few nights of Summer Bible school at our church. Much time and effort is put into that and quite a few community children show up for that event. Supper is served there every evening.
We spent a good bit of time buying supplies for our next year of service here in Kenya. It takes careful planning to know how much stuff to bring along back. We are looking forward to moving back to our VA home sometime after school next term. Our children are very ready for this change. Coming home to Kenya was difficult for them this time mostly because of the fact that they feel so alone here. Since Joe and Glenda's family left us yesterday, our children are the ONLY ones on the compound. But they are trying to have good attitudes and I think if we all work together this next year can be a very good one!
Another huge highlight of furlough was the excitement of twins born into the Yoder family!! Tony and Judith were blessed with a boy named Alexander Blake and a girl named Addison Kate. They were born while we were in PA so we were privileged to take Wayne's mom back to VA with us where she is currently helping out with the little ones. The twins are adorable and as far as we know they are doing very well!
Clarissa was very happy to welcome a group of her CBS friends to Wytheville one weekend. They stayed in our house since our renters had just vacated. There was no furniture there but they brought their own bedding, towels, etc. and "camped out". :) They even enjoyed some animated games of spike ball in our living room! Sounds like they made lots of memories!
Time marched very rapidly and before we knew it, it was time to say "goodbye" once again. I don't enjoy those times at all but it's part of life. Vernon and Rosy took us to the airport in Charlotte. We had some stress because of our flight schedule being changed a bit and our luggage not being able to get onto our next flight in time. But our travel agent and AMA secretary, Ronald Miller, kindly arranged everything for us and we were good to go! Things went well from then on and we arrived back in Kisumu 5 days ago. It was good to be HOME! Jet lag hasn't been as bad as sometimes. We hear that the unit here was extremely busy while we were gone. Joseph and Becky moved out of their house and into Jake Gingerich's vacated house, so that Steve, Martha, and Julie Esh can move into Joseph's house. A LOT of time and elbow grease goes into moves like that. Joe and Glenda were also extremely busy getting ready for their departure. This past Sunday evening there was a farewell for Joes at Lorne Kuepfer's house, and a welcome for Steve Esh's who arrived 4 days ago. Lornes plan to leave Kisumu this coming weekend and James Barkmans return from furlough a day or so later I believe. So there are many comings and goings. Thanks to those who have wished us well as we said goodbye to my sister and family. I kind of feel like I don't have feelings anymore. Life is so full of change... but we try to take a day at a time and God gives grace. Praise Him! It's VERY exciting for us to have Steves here! Their former experience is worth an awful lot!! And it's a blessing for our older girls to have Julie here!
On Saturday Wayne and I, along with Joe and Glenda, and Allen and Rhoda, attended the funeral of 16 yr. old Felix. His widowed mother's name is Lina. He came from a VERY poor home but seemed to have a happy disposition and was loved by many. The Dr. thinks he had chronic malaria and as a result died from anemia. He desperately needed 3 units of blood but for some unknown reason the Dr. delayed giving it to him and it was too late. There were many of Felix's school friends at the funeral, and it was easy to tell that he will be keenly missed! Please pray for his mother... she has lost so many of her children, and is grieving deeply.
We attended church at Chulaimbo on Sunday. Melodie went with us as well. We were glad we took a van that day so we could take extra passengers. One of Pastor Willice's sons was sick with malaria that day and was very weak. I believe their family has a 2 hr. walk to church, one way. They live on a very steep hillside. I was so GLAD we could be of help by taking him most of the way home so he didn't have to walk so far when he was sick.
I should have mentioned that the Sunday we left Kisumu for our flight to America was the day of Shonda's Baptism at Lela. It was a very special day for us and a privilege for Wayne to baptize his daughter! We also had our last Spring Communion service there that day.
Continue praying for the work permit situation here. Melodie may have to leave before long if her permit doesn't come through. It was denied once but has been appealed. We're rejoicing though that Steve Esh and Allen Peachy both received their permits! Now we're waiting on Brian Millers (Grove City, MN) and Dave Stoltzfus' (MT) to be approved. God is in control! Blessings and love to all, Wayne and Clara
Fill it up! |
Judith Auma's (Kasongo) body arrives at the dala for burial the next day |
Communion at Lela |
Pastor Allen |
At the Kisumu airport... Brad with the Governor of Kisumu |
Setting up for the wedding |
The happy couple... Matthias and Carmen |
After the wedding message Wayne presented the couple with these mugs... |
Cousins at the Yoder family camping |
L to R Clarissa, Heather Weaver, Marcia Engel, Jana Gingerich, Krista Kauffman, Valencia Miller, Jody Yoder, Kendra Stoltzfus |
Picking blueberries at Grandpas |
Is that big enough Kore? |
Grandpa Yoders at Tim and Ruths nice picnic area |
Brad was delighted with his catch! |
Fireman Randall Zook took Brad for a ride on the fire truck... much to his delight! |
Grandma Yoder and the twins! |
Addison Kate and Alexander Blake Zook
Mama Lina (in white) is mother of Felix who died |
Lela school administration. Former CBF Lela member Puis Obonyo, center |
New Lela Pastor, Allen Peachy preached the funeral message |
Felix's classmates from Lela Secondary bringing the casket for the final viewing |
Chulaimbo church service |
Melodie with Tiffany and Elliot just before they left for their homeland |
Goodbye Joe and Glenda :( |
Visiting with Joshua Omondi and George and James Kimuyi near Nyakoko church. James is very happy with the wheelchair he received from CAM! |