"No yesterdays are ever wasted for those who give themselves to today."
"One thing you can't recycle is wasted time."
"Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back." Harvey Mackay
Time doesn't stop for anyone. There have been times in our lives that I've wished I could freeze the moments... but it doesn't happen. There have also been times I've wished time would speed up, so that I could get out of a difficult situation quickly. But time keeps marching at the exact same pace day after day. I wonder if I'm using my time wisely? My prayer often is that I would know what's important to do today...and I so much desire our remaining time in Kenya to be a blessing to those around us.
Time continues to bring change to Kisumu. Gerolds and Jakes have gone back to their homeland. It feels empty around here! But we are happy to welcome Allen and Rhoda Peachy. They have been a blessing already!! We're SO thankful that Allen is skilled in handyman work and he also has experience with small engines. Since there are no young men on the compound, his experience in these areas will be a huge asset! And this fine young couple's sense of humor is a real boost as well! :) Joe and Glenda have been "training them in". We're also eagerly looking forward to the arrival of Lorne, Grace, and Tanya Keupfer today sometime. They are furlough replacements for James, Christina, and Kaylita Barkman. James' leave for a 6 week furlough next week. One thing for sure... life is not usually boring in Kenya!! All the changes keep life interesting and challenging!
I was reminded recently about how hard life has been for some of our friends here in Kenya. One Sunday while visiting Dienya, Joseph Odimo ( a former chief and police officer who has changed his loyalties for the Kingdom of God), was sharing a devotional and he mentioned how he is acquainted with grief. Nine of their children died. I'm not sure what the problem was, and I can't remember for sure how many children are living... but I simply can't imagine the heartache! Also at a recent Bible study at Ombeyi when we we were at Margaret's house she was telling the ladies during chai time that 10 of her 15 children died. I asked her how old they were when they died, and she said some were 10 years, some 5, and I suppose anywhere between those ages. Imagine!! She said they had a stomach disorder of some kind. But she seemed to take it in stride and I'm amazed how these people seem to accept these things as part of life. Life seems so cheap at times...
For those who know our dear sister Benter from Dienya, please continue praying for her! She has moved back to her mother's house in the Oroba area along with her 4 small children. Her husband Vitalis continues to cause problems whenever he is out of jail. I believe there are times when Benter has feared for her life, and the life of her children. Vitalis badly wants Benter to come back home, but we don't feel it's wise at this point. Vitalis called Wayne today and was not happy with him... There are so many difficult situations around us!! Also pray for Samson (Dienya), a nice young man with Parkinson's disease. He continues to have issues with his health and now recently he is asking for help for his brother who supposedly has the same illness Samson does. Samson's brother has been living in Sindo on the other side of the lake from Nyagondo but would like to move his family back home now. Maybe this will help restore relationships between Samson and his family. They had rejected him after he got seriously sick. It's difficult to know how to help in situations like this. Samson mentioned recently that he is so cold. I asked some questions and discovered that he didn't have a good warm blanket. We were able to help him with that and it meant SO much to him! The weather recently has been amazing!! I hardly remember Kisumu ever being so cold since our arrival close to 4 years ago! We're having quite a lot of cloudy days as well which is very unusual. We won't complain about the rain though! It certainly is a blessing for our national friends!
Another prayer request is for Lina's 15 yr. old son, Felix, from Lela. He has been quite sickly and Joe is helping him get some testing done. Doctors discovered his spleen is extremely enlarged. They suspect he may have leukemia or a blood disorder of some kind.
An older sister from Chulaimbo, Angeline Achieng, passed away recently. Wayne did the body transport. Allen Peachy accompanied him. The next day Wayne preached at the funeral. JoeAllen, Allen and Rhoda, and Melodie also attended. I chose to stay home since we were getting ready to host visitors that eve. Joseph and Becky were blessed to have the DJ and Martha Peachey family here for a visit. Their 4 children came with them as well as DJ's sister Ruth Elaine. Joseph's sister, Katherine (Belleville), and Rachel Nolt (Millmont), are also visiting, and staying longer than the Peachey family did. We really enjoyed hosting this crew at our house! They're a lively, interesting bunch. They told us the story of how they were chased by a rhino at the Masai Mara! Thankfully they can laugh about it now, and all is well that ends well! On Sunday eve. James Barkmans hosted the unit for an activity. DJ Peachey showed us slides of their recent trip to Israel. He not only showed pics but shared a lot of interesting information with us about the different sights they saw. We enjoyed a yummy haystack meal afterward. Rhoda Wengerd decorated an amazing "welcome cake" for Allen and Rhoda. It was truly a work of art! It was cut in the shape of Africa.
Wayne has been involved in some interesting meetings. He went to Ahero one day and met with the Pastors and an instruction class member named Lucas, who has been separated from his wife for many years. They talked with a few clan members to see if they could get to the root of the issues and work towards reconciliation and peace and a path to membership. Later in the day Wayne went to Chulaimbo to finalize burial plans for Angeline. Another day Wayne, JoeAllen, and Allen went to the Dienya area to work with the Needs Committee to distribute maize the church had bought, to all the widows. A very fulfilling day!
Our number of youth on the compound has been very small so we're thankful whenever visiting youth come. Last Fri. eve. Jeremy Fisher was here and brought Brad McGrath with him (Nakuru). Brian Wagler's family was here too and we enjoyed sitting on the lane visiting and watching the volleyball game. Joseph's visitors added a lot of life to the game!
On Wed. Wayne and I headed to Bible study at Vincent's house in Kajulu area. We took Joseph's truck that day and it's a good thing we did! We wouldn't have made it with our 2 wheel drive vehicle. We stopped at Jennifer's house and picked up Jennifer and her daughter, Sarah. We then proceeded to Vincent's house on some truly "amazing" roads... if they can be called roads. At one point it looked like we drove to the edge of a cliff. I couldn't see the road underneath us! I said, "Don't you dare go down over there! And then Jennifer, Sarah, and I bailed out of the truck. Wayne also got out to see what was ahead of us and then decided it was ok to pass. He carefully proceeded down the steep bank while the rest of us walked. Wayne was more worried about getting back up the other side, but thankfully we didn't have any trouble. The truck was amazing! I won't forget that ride right away! :) We had a nice Bible study and tried to encourage Vincent. It's discouraging to him that his wife is no longer with the church at Kajulu. We didn't have chai that day because of the situation. My heart went out to Geoffrey that day... I believe every single time we've gone to Kajulu Bible study in the last number of years he has requested prayer because of pain in his stomach. He is the son of Deacon John Opiyo and is a young widower. I finally asked him what the problem is and discovered that he has a hernia. But of course there's no money for surgery. We went to Geoffrey's house for Bible study a while back and it was in VERY poor condition! Imagine having to endure pain for years on end because of no money for a Dr. Pray for wisdom to know how to help. We want to see what can be done for him. As you know, the needs are endless and seem overwhelming. And sometimes it's so hard to tell what is a true need and what is "perceived." We need so much wisdom! Please pray for us!!
Out of our litter of 10 puppies there are 2 remaining. Hopefully we can find homes for these very soon. Our children have VERY much enjoyed these puppies! I still smile to think of how God answered Brad's prayers!
We plan to attend the Kasongo church tomorrow. The next Sunday (June 23) we're looking forward to Shonda's Baptismal service that is scheduled at Lela. We wish family and friends from home could be here for the special occasion but it's ok. I think Melodie and Rhoda plan to be there and possibly some national friends from Ahero. Later that eve. our family is scheduled to fly from Kisumu airport to Nairobi. The next morning we have appointments at the Embassy to renew our children't passports. In the evening we board the plane for our flight across the ocean!! Excitement is building at our house!! :) We've been so busy preparing for this special furlough time and now that we're actually getting our things accomplished and the time is so near, we are SO excited! We hope to see a lot of you there! Thanks for your support and prayers, Wayne and Clara
Joseph and Brad having a discussion while they fix the wall that was damaged by a water leak, at S-6. |
Becky, Mel and the girls gave the kitchen at S-6 a new look! |
We very much enjoyed a visit with the Fisher family... Jeremy brought his brother Joe and wife Janell, and sisters, Cynthia and Katie with him to Kisumu when he came to do CAM distribution. They also spent some time in Jinga, Uganda. They treated us to a yummy paneer supper one evening. Thanks so much!! |
Re-plumbing the shower to take care of the leaking inside the wall. |
Jakes last Sunday at Chulaimbo along with His parents John and Christina Gingerich and Grandma Mary Coblentz. Thank you for your service! |
Farewell |
Kasango Bible Study |
Prince and his new "master" Allen |
John Omondi's sons are a real blessing at Ahero! |
Playing games with Allen and Rhoda |
Visiting Lukas' home dala south of Ahero |
Chulaimbo Bible Study at Mama Angeline's |
Preparing maize for "blessing" the widows |
Singing with some of the widows that gathered at Dickson's to receive their blessing |
Lunch at Hang Over, after maize distribution |
Mama Angeline at the mortuary |
Steven and Emmanuel at Chulaimbo on Sunday (Pray for our youth) |
Welcome Allen and Rhoda! |
Joint Pastors Meeting on Monday afternoon |
Kajulu Bible Study at Vincent's |
Would that pass in America? |
Joe and Allen introducing Tobias Ajuma to the work of MZL |